This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny
Hellooo???? Are you there UG???
Spike Started conversation Oct 12, 2003
Hi UG...Just thought Id drop in and say
"and where on earth do you think you have been until this tim eof day??"
Missed you this week on nights. Are you around old bean???? I bet you been caught up with sorting the house. How are the kids???
Here, I have got some and
for you. Got to
work beckons!!
Hellooo???? Are you there UG???
Universal Granny Posted Oct 12, 2003
Helloooooo Spike, yes I am here. Have been in the office for about 2 hours already, but only just reached the computer!
Not so much the house, this weekend, but the garden as it was nice weather and I need to get it done. A friend's Dad has a log fire during the winter months, and will accept all the wood he can get during the year to feed the fire. I had to take down some hawthorn trees and a lilac earlier this year and said he could have them. Unfortunately, he has had a minor heart attack and so cannot "log" them - so guess what I was doing all weekend. I have blisters on my blisters, sawdust in every crevice (don't go there, just take my word for it!), and one aching back.
Anyway, it's all done now and his daughter collected them all this evening to take over to him. I seem to remember there being something said about a bottle of on its way over to me - shall need that to numb the pain!
Two eldest grandchildren, Pebbles and Bam-Bam spent their first night away from home this weekend whilst daughter and husband went down to Chichester to see something at the theatre there and stay over. They stayed with their other Granny (and Grandad), and Pebbles, bless her, was sick all night. Needless to say, Granny and Grandad are shattered, but Pebbles is very pleased with herself at having coped quite adequately, even telling Granny not to worry about wiping down the toilet seat because "I always do that for Mummy because she is too busy heaving with me and can't face it"!
The house is coming on slowly, new curtains arrive next week and we had a "putting up pictures" fest today.
Better get back to the floor and see how they are doing - work coming out of their ears tonight.
Talk to you later
Take care UG
Hellooo???? Are you there UG???
Spike Posted Oct 12, 2003
Hi UG!
Sounds like you had a good weekends work!! (Its ok I wont ask about the sawdust and crevices....). It's odd but I get strange looks in here whenever I am reading H2G2.. it generally makes me smile or giggle which is odd in this place!!
Can I be awfully rude and ask you a favour. When you get really bored and cant sleep, can you pop along to my page and have a peek at my attempts to be creative with the old poems?? You may have been already I dont know, but I'd appreciate as much opinion/feedback
as possible. I have not tried anything like it before, well not since leaving school anyway!
Pebbles and Bam bam sound like a right giggle!! Our 10 year old also enjoys being spoiled rotten at her granmothers houses.... You know the thing "Nanny can I have a biscuit/sweets/chocolate etc "to which the answer is always "yes of course darling"
Hope your night calms down a bit. I am off on days off until Wednesday, see you soon UG..
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Hellooo???? Are you there UG???
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