This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny
Tabitca Started conversation Sep 30, 2003
Just popped in to say hi ..Hope you are ok sorry I've not been about much lately as i haven't been the best of company...I feel like I've neglected all my friends..but I just wanted you to know I have been thinking about you and hope you are ok
Universal Granny Posted Sep 30, 2003
Hi Tabitca,
Lovely to hear from you. I know you have had a lot on your plate lately, I have been keeping up with your threads re: jobs, housing, banks etc and you really are not having a good time of it, are you?
You can't neglect a friend, because true friends never feel neglected, they are just there ready to anything they can when you need them.
Anything I can do?!
Probably not but have another for good measure and
. I am not sure if I am on your friends list, but if so you will know I have been rather preoccupied with a certain person under the "Okay, so what do I do now" thread, which all ended as a bit of a damp squib in the end. Silly old fools, these Grannies, you know!
Anyway love to your two from my three
and a super special
from me.
Take care UG
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