This is the Message Centre for Universal Granny

Hallo Gran!

Post 1

y. pestis, mascot for Microbe Respect and Awareness!!!

If you are 5 hours ahead of NY and I am 2 hours after, then it is a seven hour difference. smiley - sleepy
I'm going to be writing a piece about my generation, but not sure if it will be for guide or for underguide. smiley - tasmiley - hug
smiley - pirate

Hallo Gran!

Post 2

Universal Granny

Look forward to reading it. Nearly my bedtime - only another 2 1/2 hours! This night seems so l - o - n - g, we've been busy though, so that helps it along a bit.

7 hours behind, so it is about 2030 with you? It is 0330 here, perhaps we can work out the time difference more accurately like that. Be interested to know.

Take care smiley - hug Universal Granny

Hallo Gran!

Post 3

Universal Granny

smiley - coffee?smiley - cake?smiley - stiffdrink?smiley - oj?

Did you write the piece about your generation? If so, may I read it, and if the answer is "yes", please tell me how to get there!!

Apart from that, how are you doing? Life goes on much the same here, the grandchildren are growing up fast, the eldest has just started school and has grasped the elements of reading smiley - book already, but her Mum had grounded her well in the alphabet and recognising her own name and those of her relatives and friends. She's keen to learn, too, which always helps. I don't think her brother will be quite so enthusiastic judging by his reaction to his first day at playschool!!!!smiley - yikes

It took me about an hour to get into hootoo tonight - and heaven knows how I got here in the end, but I suppose if I've done it once I shall be able to do it again.

Mmm sounds like a riot breaking out on the floor outside, so better go and do the "supervisor" bit to make sure they come to no harm. It's mostly -play but sometimes it gets a bit out of hand and someone gets hurt.

Take care smiley - hug Universal Granny

Hallo Gran!

Post 4

Universal Granny


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