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The bug guy comes in the morning...

I don't need him but it is a part of living in a nice can be annoying though when you have allergies.

I have allergies. They let me skip it last time but I will have to let them spray lightly this time. I already have my allergies severely acting up and/or might be sick from the common cold. Last time they sprayed...I kept getting sick and my boyfriend could not even be in the room for around two weeks later. I am not looking foward to this.

I never used to have such allergies. Or maybe I just never noticed it.

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Latest reply: Sep 29, 2003

Like Winnie the Pooh....

Surrounded by a little black rain cloud...and is coming in through the holes that the landlord said weren't in my window and ruining the is relieving that it is not the wasps and boxelders bugs that came in through the holes that are supposedly not there the first time I complained....I suppose I should go to bed soon or I will oversleep and be really not there for work tomorrow morning...well this morning is 202 am central standard US .

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Latest reply: May 9, 2003

Andrea's writing tonight is powered by cat allergies

Due to my newfound cat allergies I have plenty of physical ailments to keep me up and writing tonight.
My friend found a cat under a running car the other night...strays can be found in darndest places(I am sure there are some interesting stories).
smiley - smiley

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Latest reply: Apr 29, 2003

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Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

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