This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

Hello Andrea

Post 1

AngelicWitch (ACE)

Hi Andrea,

smiley - erm nice to meet you!! I am Andrea too! lolx
What have you been upto lately?

Hello Andrea

Post 2

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

Not up to much...other than trying to post more so I can make this a more beneficial/educational/enjoyable about you???

Nice to meet you and hope that you are having a great day.

Hello Andrea

Post 3

AngelicWitch (ACE)

I am great thankyou! smiley - smiley
Do you have anything planned for today? What are you studying? I start college on monday to do Leisure and Tourism smiley - biggrin I am 21 years young and live in the North-East of England of UK

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