This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant


Post 1

life is like a cup of coffee...

I just recently opened a coffee shop in bc about 4 months ago. The hardest part was comeing up with the name. I used my grandmothers last name, but i also considered book names. If you are going for an organic or fair trade idea you could use something along those lines. Just don't use anything with bucks in it or the big guys will be after you. Up here in canada we had a shop called Haida Bucks and they got sued. A little shop in the Queen Charlottes , can you imagine that?

Oh and by the way, Hi


Post 2

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

Hi and thank you.

I have thought about family names. I will have to think about it some more though.

It is good to have time to think....a name is such an important thing for a coffeeshop.

What is your coffeeshop named and is it on the web yet???
I hope all is going well


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