This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant
Hi Andrea from abbi
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Jul 1, 2003
Hi Andrea I have enjoyed reading your posts.
I added you to my friends list, please let me know if you do not want the clutter or the exposure. I will remove you imediately if for any reason you'd prefer not to be on it.
How is the biz thingee going?
*wants grilled cheese now*
Hi Andrea from abbi
Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant Posted Jul 1, 2003
Hope you enjoyed the grilled cheese.
The biz thingee is coming along fine. Researching is all I am doing while I finish up school but....I was conditionally accepted to Le Cordon Blue today...a big deal American cooking school.
I did not find out what the conditions were as I wrote a letter declining...I have another year on my bachelor's degree and if it is meant to be, they will be willing to accept me next year. Besides I think that the acceptance was more based on my avid interest then anything else-not necessarily a bad thing...just that American colleges recruit heavily.
I will see what I can do about it...moving to Minnesota would be a big endeavor since you are stuck in leases here for a long time...but I can dream and maybe it will happen.
If you haven't guessed by now...of course you can add me to your friends list
*said the woman who adds people without asking-I really should do it the way you do-I add anyone interesting-as a matter of fact, I think you are already on mine-if not, you soon will be.
No traffic is too much.
Hi Andrea from abbi
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Jul 1, 2003
Great Thanks!
Wow that school sounds like a big deal, you can add that to a resume or like you said they'll take you when your ready!
Minnesota is cold in the winter but beautiful in the spring-summer-fall.
There are worse places to be
You're right American colleges are big business.
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Hi Andrea from abbi
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