This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

Coffee shops, eh?

Post 1

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Just dropped by to say hi! and be friendly, as I notice I appear to be on your friends list smiley - blush.

Anyhows, my favourite codffe shop here inthe UK is now sadly gone, but it was combined with a used bookstore. It sold scrummy home made cakes so you could drink tea and eat cakes while perusing the books...

Of course, the damage to the wallet was horrific...smiley - laugh Though from your point of view that would probably be a good thing. smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

Coffee shops, eh?

Post 2

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

Yes you are on my friens list...consider it a compliment...I add anyone I feel is worth talking to to my list...when I have the time to add that is(don't be offended if you are a lurker who is not on my list and I have talked to you before).

smiley - smiley

smiley - rose...for the demise of your coffeeshop.

No...I think I will charge reasonable prices...profit is good but I also like people...I want everyone to be able to afford something.

I am a big fan of penny in the old olden days. I also like the idea of a book exchange of some sort...though I don't know-I tend to only like things if I can overdo them and this would be really complex.

Hope you find a new coffeeshop.

Coffee shops, eh?

Post 3

Blues Shark - For people who like this sort of thing, then this is just the sort of thing they'll like

Hmm, not something you see a great deal of here in the UK, sadly...

I deally, I'd like to find one where the spirit of John Lee Hooker plays the blues, just like he did in Greenwich in th 60's.

Btw, I'm not so sure I'm interesting as just loud...smiley - winkeye

smiley - shark

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