This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

grilled cheese eh?

Post 1

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

We have a vintage cheddar in Australia (Tasmania to be exact) called Mersey Club Vintage. It is crumbly, smooth, creamy and is a sharp as a Ginsu steak knife. I live and die for this perfect cheese, it goes well with absolutely everything.Grown men cry when they taste this cheese.

Try this: "Grilled cheese ala MadHamish"

Vintage cheddar(Nothing else will do)
Wholegrain cottage mustard (nothing else will do)
Chopped parsley (Just a little)
pepper (preferably fresh black)
Sliced black olives (nothing else will do)
Glass of cold frothy lager (Optional)

(Have you cried from Pratchett yet?)


Post 2

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

I go to all this effort to give you my grilled cheese recipe and you don't say thanks! I am wounded, hurt, shaken to the very core of my existance!!!!!! smiley - nahnah I can't even fake being upset very well eh?

(Hope you dig the cheese thing, I too am fascinated with cheese!)


Post 3

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

I did dig the cheese thing...I have many, many posts to read sometimes...didn't read Pratchett yet...I always have an extensive to do list because I try to experience as many sane/legal/safe adventures as I can...I will try to respond more promptly next time...thank you...the recipe sounds delicious...I like recipes best when they come with notes from someone who has tried them...thank you


Post 4

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

No worries!! I hope you get the chance to try it!

(May your expedience only be exceeded by your vituosity!)


Post 5

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant much does Mersey Club Vintage cost???

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