This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant
Welcome, Andrea Ortiz...
taliesin Started conversation Apr 27, 2003
... to h2g2, aka hootoo, or sometimes even,'this place'..
I see jazzedupcurry, and Clio the Muse, my compatriots, have already greeted you. Must be some kind of Canadian thing..
Anyway, I hope you are finding your way around ok. If you have any questions, feel free to ask darn near anyone, although the various volunteers usually are able to help, or at least guide you to someone who can..
There are a few links on my space to get you started, or you could check out the front page, or.. well, just about any place here is interesting.
Have fun!
Welcome, Andrea Ortiz...
Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant Posted Apr 29, 2003
Thank you for the welcome. To add to your comment:Not only is just about every place here interesting...just about EVERYONE here is interesting...such a fun/educational/friendly site.
Welcome, Andrea Ortiz...
Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant Posted Jun 30, 2003
haven't talked to you for a while...I don't like to lose touch with people here especially the people that made me feel so welcome when I started posting here (like you).
How are you???
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Welcome, Andrea Ortiz...
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