This is the Message Centre for Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant


Post 1

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

Hi! I am a relative newbie to H2G2 as well. Hope your finding everyone friendly and the site informative. I am 27 as well and I live on the west coast of Canada. I also love grilled cheese. smiley - smiley I see that jazzed already said hello, he's cool. If you want any help or want to chat about anything just stop by and say hello. (just click on my name) I always have the smiley - tea on and a smiley - cheesecake awaiting my guests. (Oh, and if you havent already figured it out, a pair of eyes beside a name means that person is online.) Have fun!


Post 2

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

Hi clio-
Thank you so much for the welcome. I am finding everyone super-friendly and the site super-informative.
So all the 27 year olds in the world must live in Canada. Here in the midwestern United States it is hard to find one. My boyfriend and I are the only people our age that we know. Just a little observation on the oddities of the localities of Earth.
Someday I am going to go to Canada. One of my treasured possessions is a picture of the Canada side of Niagra Falls that a friend gave me.
I wonder... do you think grilled cheese is better plain or with additions?
smiley - smiley
p.s. I also love tea and cheesecake (but I am very picky on hard to find good tea or cheesecake)


Post 3

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

Tell me about it. I live in a small town with very few people in my age group. As for the smiley - tea and smiley - cheesecake, me too. So far Tetley is my favourite bagged tea (experiments continuesmiley - scientistand there is a shop in Victoria that sells the best loose tea I've tried. Cheesecake is a touchy topic, unfortunately the best I've ever tasted was made by my ex. Bummer. Ah well. As for grill cheese I like both extremes. Nothing but butter, bread and cheese on one hand and on the other I smiley - love Monte Cristos which is a grill cheese with ham and turkey and then dipped in egg before grilling. Please do come to Canada, it rocks smiley - cool (especially the west coastsmiley - winkeye)


Post 4

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

I don't know much about the west coast...I am planning a trip to Nova Scotia on the east at some point...what do you like about western Canada?smiley - cool
Andreasmiley - smiley


Post 5

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

I love all the trees and lakes and mountains and ocean all jumbled up together. I love the mild weather. The sunsets are spectacular and there is so much to do and see if you even remotely like the outdoors. Lots of wildlife and beautiful scenery.


Post 6

Andrea Ortiz...used to want a I want a restaurant

That is what initially got me interested in Canada...besides the idea of cruising to Nova Scotia...all the landscape...on the east coast they even have "Celtic Highlands" really looks like Ireland in the pictures(Ireland has an incredible variety of landscape too). I have never been to either Ireland or Canada but will visit both at some point. Enjoy your beautiful homeland.
Andreasmiley - smileysmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

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