This is the Message Centre for Pythonfan
Hi ! It's abbi
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Apr 26, 2003
Hey how ya doin?
You're Nuegens hunny bear!
Geez will you be fighting over the computer
You better beeeeeee caaareful,
It's addictinglike
and all that other fun stuff
Enjoy yourself!
Mort, your Ace does a nice welcome!
Hi ! It's abbi
Pythonfan Posted Apr 26, 2003
Hi Abbi. Thanks for the welcome. She finally talked me into joining up, NeuganBigEyes that is. I need to stick some icons in here but haven't gotten that far yet. Talk to you soon. Take care.
Hi ! It's abbi
abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Posted Apr 27, 2003
I see jaZZ explained the smileys
Good then, nice guy.
NuegenBigEyes uses them lavishly!<<<that is a laugh believe it or not.
A few refuse to use icons! That is also accepted behavior
ChanleMick may stop & say hello, I always get his name wrong!
~~ Which reminds me,I should go say hello to him
Have fun being yourself here
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Hi ! It's abbi
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