This is the Message Centre for Lew De Crow


Post 1


How are you doing? Have you got drinking water where you live?



Post 2

Lew De Crow

Good evening Daffodilgold, sorry I did not see your post before I sent you a message (great minds think alike). I live in Herefordshire and we have had quite a bit of flooding where I live, fortunately I have faired better than most. My damage is mostley to carpets as we only had about 6" of water flood water in, My neighbours have had it rough and were evacuated it will be some time before they move back in. We are now dry haveing ripped the carpets up and cleaned through out and getting back to normal. I have lived in Herefordshire all my 57years and have never seen it as bad as the last month.I have certainly never been flooded before.As for drinking water we were unaffected as our water suply remained through out. Thanks once again for your concern it was much appreciated to know some cared.



Post 3

Lew De Crow

Weather forcast,more rain on the way.smiley - wah


Post 4


We've been very lucky here in Cornwall - only had about a tenth of the rain you've had! I see that they've forecast heavy rain for Saturday night and all of Sunday - don't know how I'd cope in your place. Are you getting help from any charitable organisations?


Post 5

Lew De Crow

Yes you are right it's 7:15 Saturday and raining.I have not needed help myself but many people living close have,It's times of crisis like this that people pull together and help one another out it really brings out the best in people. The charitable organisations are great and doing all they can, Flood line are brilliant, finding hotels and boarding houses for people to stay.In times of trouble you worry how you are going to cope, but you do. lets hope the Insurance companys pay out quickly and in 12 months this will be a distant memory.Beautifull part of the country Cornwall, I spent some time in Devon (Holsworthy and Launceston) and always wanted to live there.

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