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Icy Naj 16/17 - Regular Puzzle
Recumbentman Posted Dec 1, 2016
Perfect Number is not something that would have occurred to me. Thank you for finding my name in it.
Icy Naj 16/17 - Regular Puzzle
You can call me TC Posted Dec 2, 2016
Well, a lot of work went into that on Icy's part and it proves he thinks them up himself, as no one else on the internet would have been able to work with the h2g2 names of people - and then specifically those that follow the quizzes.
I was totally stumped right from the beginning - I saw "compound" and I thought - is it a verb, is it a noun? Where to start? And anagrams, although I enjoy them, make my brain explode because I see German words and French words and can't limit myself to English. And once the solutions started to appear I failed to see many of the connections.
I still don't wish I was monolingual, though.
Well done and thank you everyone. It was lovely watching great minds reveal their inner workings.
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Icy Naj 16/17 - Regular Puzzle
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