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You can rely on Billy!

Ahhh... Micro$haft.. Yes, you can always rely on Micro$**t!

Guess who suffered a total mental breakdown and thought it might be a good idea to install Service Pack 2 for Windows XP? smiley - wah

But I'm back! Yes, after nearly 24 hours of frustration I've finally managed to get this machine back to where it was last night. Someone once said that whatever doesn't kill us can only make us stronger, (or something like that), if anyone could direct me towards him I've a trick involving a size 12 tackity boot and his nether regions that I'd like to demonstratesmiley - winkeye.

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Latest reply: Sep 1, 2004

I'm Back!!!!!

So it's Friday night (27th May), and the phone line goes down - zilch, nada, smiley - bleep all!

Onto BT on the mobile - and yes, there's a fault, and the engineers will fix it as soon as possible... Fair enough, these things happen smiley - sadface.

Sunday, still no phone, but the broadband is back - though the connection breaks after about 15mins and I have to redial... Still, it shows something is being done smiley - erm.

Monday, (30th May) phone is back smiley - biggrin! But the broadband is gone smiley - wah!

From then I've been dealing with the usual round of smiley - bleep \%$#*! brain-dead idiots on the BT fault line answering callcentre who insist that since their line test says that there's nothing wrong, then the script that they're following means that it MUST be something wrong with the set-up at my end of the line .

Thursday, (June 10) BT engineer finally arrives at door to check line at this end smiley - magic. Of course, no-one told him that the problem started with a genuine fault on the phone line or that I might even have an idea of what I'm talking about smiley - winkeye. A quick check on the line into the house and he's off to the exchange - an hour later and here I am... Back Online!! smiley - bubbly

Next installment will probably be when the bill comes in and they try to charge for the time I've been been offline - that should be lots of laughs!

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Latest reply: Jun 10, 2004

I'm One!

It's my Hootoo Birthdaysmiley - magic!

A year of broadband (all I have to worry about is how to pay the bill), and a year since Wildman first registered heresmiley - cool.

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Latest reply: Apr 15, 2004

Three and a half days of Hell!

Saturday night, I left to start work and all was well, (as well as things ever are anywaysmiley - winkeye). Sunday morning, I return and it seems very quiet? - ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! The computer is dead.

The power supply expired sometime during the night!

So, new PSU, fitted it and fired up - everything seems to be workingsmiley - biggrin, even posted a message saying so for information to friends who knew what had happened, then noticed monitor settings not quite right, so changed them. Do you want to restart computer now? Why not! smiley - wah

Wednesday afternoon, finally get back on-line after re-installing Windows again and still not exactly sure what the smiley - bleep went wrong!!!


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Latest reply: Jan 7, 2004

Old and Decrepit?

My niece had a baby this morning, Thomas Alexander. smiley - magic

I'm a Great Uncle!!!

When did I get old? smiley - wah (Driving tonight, so I can't even smiley - bubblywet the baby's head.) smiley - sadface

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Latest reply: Oct 11, 2003

Back to Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!'s Personal Space Home

Wildman - I'm not really mad, I've just been in a very bad mood for 40 years!

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