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baby blues "
cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes Started conversation Jan 2, 2004
talk bout hormone changes out .of control..not long before came of the fone to u both i just bawled me eyes out al over rab know how much better that feels
baby blues '
SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds Posted Jan 4, 2004
hee hee thats cos yer a baby
never mind hun the more yer less yer pee!!
no seriously hope you are well and are getting back to normal havent been around much busy with ith family duties yer Know you take care hun will speak later
lots of
baby blues '
cuddlywolf@bring back digyboxes Posted Jan 4, 2004
hello furball im fine now just got sore chest now
red and swollen using all the frozen stuff in freezer to cool things down lol..its ok know ur busy driving di up the wall ive snt her my
to hit u wiv
tc spk soon im feeding nicole then off t bed
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baby blues "
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