This is the Message Centre for Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

Greetings and Salutations

Post 1


Just popped over from the 'Tell us a Joke' thread to find out who you are, and I noticed the 'Keeper of the Car Named "Kevin"' line. I'm curious about that. How does a car get the name "Kevin"? I have two grandsons, 3 and 5 years, who have named mine "Harold" but that is because of "Thomas the Tank Engine". I have a white minivan, and the only thing on "Thomas" that's white is "Harold the Helicopter". Their father's blue Buick station wagon is "Thomas", their mother's light blue minivan is "Edward", and their father's pickup truck is "Gordon". It all fits. But "Kevin"???

smiley - rose

Greetings and Salutations

Post 2

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

The way I got the name is quite simple really, when I first got it, the first three letters of the licence plate were KVN. The fact that I considered him a guy is what most people laughed at me about. Kevin was just like my Dad though, many things wrong but kept working anyway.smiley - winkeye If you want to read a little more about him just check the My Car entry in my journal.

smiley - peacesign and Long Life

(I assume that LL&P is Live Long and Prosper)

smiley - smiley

Greetings and Salutations

Post 3


Great story on the car. I had one like that once, a '69 Chevy my friends called 'Dianna', after Dianna Prince, AKA Wonderwoman (It's a wonder that car runs at all!). I've got some good stories to tell about that car.

You got the LL&P right. I'm an old Sci-Fi fan from way back. Another one I sometimes use is MTFBWY. Recognize that one?

smiley - rose

Greetings and Salutations

Post 4

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

Too easy, May the Force be with you too! smiley - winkeye

Greetings and Salutations

Post 5


I used that on a friend and he came back with MTSBWY. Do you recognize that one?

smiley - rose

(It took me quite some time, but I eventually got that one, too)

Greetings and Salutations

Post 6

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

May the Schwarz Be with you! C'mon, I'm as geeky a chick as your going to find in these parts (my town, not Hootoo) smiley - smiley

"So Lonestar, Now you see that Evil will always triumph, becouse Good is Dumb"

Greetings and Salutations

Post 7


Bravo! And I don't consider that 'geeky', just 'discerning' of good material. Any John Candy movie is a good one.

smiley - rose

Greetings and Salutations

Post 8

Clio, Dentonite, Libtech, Procrastinator and HNM

I enjoy the title of "geek". We are of course the most discerning of individuals. smiley - geek Only the finest sci-fi and obscureness for us.

smiley - winkeye

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