This is the Message Centre for rodrod - Game Addict & Minister for Lighters That Don't Work - trying to find a job!


Post 1

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hello Rodi

hope you don't mind the shortening of your name, it is an aussie thing I think, + I can't type smiley - laugh

we aussies call a red head blue, just to be different smiley - erm
As a new addicict I thought I would drop by and say Hi, so Hi

can't talk for to long though, as I am really tired and have a really big day planned tomorrow

got to
go to darts tourney 8.30 am
pick up new moped 9.30
pick up step daughter for access weekend 10.30
pick up dog food 11.00 am

and then

and then go back to darts for afternoon games 1.00 pm

I am a reseve so probably won't play, but will be cheer squad....

so what you up to


Post 2

rodrod - Game Addict & Minister for Lighters That Don't Work - trying to find a job!

hey hellysmiley - smiley don't worry about the name, I'm not fussy! rods just a nickname i've had since i was about 12 - now its just stuck and alot of people actually forget my real name - or think i am actually a girl called Rod!smiley - erm!! its cool to have a new variationsmiley - smiley (I've had rod rod, rodders, rodney, roderino.. the list goes on)smiley - biggrin

not up to much at all, its 1pm here, contemplating making food soon... Trying to look for a job at the moment, I'm home from uni for the summer and I'm absolutely broke! So applying for random part time jobs to try and get some cash. Not heard anything yet though - no one wants me! smiley - wah

also downloading an episode of family guy - its been going for 3 hours now and only halfway thru!! and thats with broadband!!

sounds like a full day for you tommorrow - I've got the joy of going shopping for clothes for a wedding next week - left till the last minute as usual!! Good luck with the dartssmiley - ok

in a bit! rodsmiley - smiley

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