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Post 1

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

hi malo
this is the 3rd msg/attempt 2 get a chat of u.
so, r u gonna answer me or wotsmiley - smiley



Post 2

Researcher 224352

i tried chatting to you wen you first came onto h2g2 and even offred to help you do your guideml. was you who blanked me from the start, so why wonna chat now.
smiley - rainbow


Post 3

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i apologise if i appeared 2 have blanked u hun, it wasn't intetional. if u don't want 2 chat 2 me now hun i'll understandsmiley - wah
i just noticed u were on alot of my friends friend lists & i just wanted 2 chat 2 u!


Post 4

Researcher 224352

i just thought it strange why you blanked me wen you first came on h2g2 now al of a sudden you want to chat, you can find out old conversations by clicking more conversations on your page just under the last conversation on your page. if you want help using h2g2 then i'll try help
smiley - rainbow


Post 5

Researcher 224352

pssmiley - laugh whos pals of yours that im on there list? i dont have a pals list i dont bothere with it. so dont know who has me as a pall
smiley - rainbow


Post 6

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

thanx hun, as i said b4, i didn't blank u on purpose! im not an ignorant, nasty or bitchy person (if u hear different, it ain't true guv'nor, honest) no seriously, i just wanted a natter wiv u.
so, if u wanna chat, go ahead.....

oh & can i ask if malo korrigan is ur real name???

smiley - love


Post 7

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

ur on tartan-tottys list & u talk to kev(star fleet) 2. & im sure u know Awol & the vamp?!!


Post 8

Researcher 224352

i know all of the formentioned, totty was on the fone with me for 9 god damn hours saterday i slept 8 of them so wasnt to bad smiley - laugh starfleet only asked me for advice on a ps2 game so surched the net for cheats/tips for him aint really spoken with him, no malo korrigan isnt my real name n i wont say my real name on h2g2 simply cos it's here forever and theres to many nasty smiley - bleeps out there who could use personal info against me so i dont do that.
malo korrigan is infact a skyone animation series about an ace pilot/adventure i havnt watched it but stole the name so dont email sky one about it ok? smiley - laugh
smiley - rainbow


Post 9

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

oh right, well lynsey brown is my real name, im not quite bright enuff 2 give myself an alias, so lynsey brown will do 4 mesmiley - smiley
so did u use ld?? if u want u can email me at [email protected]
& u can tell me abit about urself & vice versa if u want??!!!

smiley - love
smiley - angel


Post 10

Researcher 224352

i did indeed use l/d but dont think i came across you, i used many names so didnt really get to know anyone on a one to one bases,
i'll email you if you want to, you can find out more about me in emails cos like i said i'll not discuss anything priv on h2g2, its the wrong forum for that,smiley - smiley
i guess you have useed/using the crap site that replaced l/d we now know and hate as yoom2? if the ppl who use that site on telewest digiboxes could see the format of other FREE sites you can get on the internet that are simmler to yoome2 if not that lil bit better yoome2 would have no subscribers. its smiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleepsmiley - bleep you cant lip read can yousmiley - laugh well lindey brown your a woman n im guessing blond so dont beat yourself up over using your real name instead of a crap user name lmaosmiley - laugh

smiley - rainbow


Post 11

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i am NOT blonde & take offence at being called blonde (smiley - smileyonly joking) i've got auburn hair.

yes u can email me whenever u want, i'll look 4ward 2 hearing from u.

oh....& yes i am female, & in the words of Lisa Stansfield.........i may not b a laydeeeee.........but im all woman!

smiley - love
smiley - angellynseysmiley - devil


Post 12

Researcher 224352

thought i would be hit with your smiley - handbag for that comment about been a blondesmiley - laugh i love my blonde jokes i'll have to email you some smiley - smiley
well i have already emailed you, i dont smiley - bleep around you know lmao. n i can see your all woman you got my attention 3rd time round wearing that very small bikini lol or is it just string? bikini line could do with a lil trimsmiley - run
whow im out of breath now running from you for that comment lol. whats malo like eh? smiley - laugh
smiley - rainbow


Post 13

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

WHACK!smiley - handbagWHACK!smiley - handbagWHACK!smiley - handbagAAAARRRRGGGHHsmiley - run
i like u malo, ur funny, & laughter, i believe, is a gr8 thing!!smiley - smiley

how do u know i ain't got a shaven haven or a mr president(bush)????
oh......right.....u can seesmiley - loveblush

smiley - love
smiley - angellynseysmiley - devil


Post 14

Researcher 224352

i like the president bush joke, very good lmao. dont hit me with your smiley - handbag malo bruises easely smiley - grr
i replied to your email btwsmiley - smiley
smiley - rainbow


Post 15

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

shut up moanin' or i'll get me suitcase out & c wot colour u bleed!! (only jokin' hun, i ain't a violent person giving u my ickle girl lost look right now!!)smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

i got ur email hun & replied.

p.s. wot does btw mean??


Post 16

Researcher 224352

malo is tough just gonna put extra clothing on to soften the blows lmaosmiley - smiley
aint you tired running up n down going to email and then back here? oh your ickle size 5 smiley - footprints must be killing you by now lolsmiley - smiley n no im not masaging them for you get the dog to lick them n cool them down lmaosmiley - run hey was only joking you cant get the dog to lick them thats crulty to animals is that smiley - run
smiley - rainbow


Post 17

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

i ain't got a dog, & i ain't lettin' the rabbit nowhere near my tootsies smiley - footprints he's got huuuugee teeth, he's already chewed through my phone wire the little smiley - bleep!!!


Post 18

Researcher 224352

skin the lil smiley - bleep n smiley - bleep it in a stew smiley - laugh rabbits should file there teeth thats why they chew they fileling them, i replied to your email so take your size 5 sweaty smiley - footprints and smiley - run down to emails smiley - smiley for got to tell you in last msg that btw= by the waysmiley - biggrin

smiley - smiley


Post 19

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

my feet rn't sweaty, the only place i sweat is inbetween my (.)Y(.) too much info i know!! i have got a verruca though! lmao smiley - footprints

ne wayz can we stop talkin' about my smiley - footprints plz??

smiley - angellynseysmiley - devil


Post 20

Researcher 224352

a varuka? smiley - yuk well dont get picking it or you might get a varuka on your fingers and you will be well minging<well thats what jade from bb3 thinks smiley - laugh ok will stop talking about your varukad sweaty pongy smiley - footprints now then lmao
smiley - rainbow

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