This is the Message Centre for


Post 121

Star Fleet...

malosmiley - smiley im stuck on a game res. evil codename veronica for the ps2 if youve got time could you find any cheats or maybe a walkthrough for the 2nd part upto the poison gas smiley - cheers if you dont have the time its okay its just that i'm cracking up smiley - wahsmiley - wahsmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

smiley - planetsmiley - monstersmiley - planet


Post 122

Researcher 224352

i'll see what i can do, im not that clued up on playstation 2 though but i'll see what i can find smiley - biggrin

have to smiley - run now watching big brosmiley - run
smiley - rainbow


Post 123



Yeah sorry, was just being a bit stupid, was VERY sleep deprived at the time,
it's just that my initials are MALO and i doodle it everywhere so was a bit surprised to see someone else with them!



Post 124

Researcher 224352

well hello there shellysmiley - smiley well how smiley - weird
your inistials the same as my usersmiley - smiley was wondering what you was on about wen you said some one had stolen your name lol,

smiley - rainbow


Post 125


sorry if i came across as a bit of a nasty old woman, was in the middle of exams and was feeling a bit strange!

Now they are over and am feeling a little drunk!

thanks for message, hope u r well



Post 126

.DIZZIE.DI. keeper of REBs dodgy tackle lol

dear Malo why have you stopped posting the "stars for today??"
i often pop into them but there is nothing since last thursday
Di smiley - rose


Post 127

Researcher 224352

hiya, the truth is that i hadnt been on line for about 5 days, also no one was interested in the stars, sorry for any inconvinance coused
smiley - rainbow


Post 128


Hiya Malo,
well i thought its about time i thanked you for all your help with the new page which has been greatly appreciated (see msg to Mandy, i could be your campaign manager should you seek further greatness, hero worship (not from me obviously but from people online pmsl) or a higher position in the corporation formally known as h2g2..i thought we could rename the site Malo's World..what do you think? LOL smiley - winkeye payments 90-10 in my favour as your manager obviously lmfao and my final word on the matter cos you know i dont do nice (sarcasm and smiley - bleep taking is more my thing but you know that right? lol
ok here goes but once said it will be forgotten and NEVER referred to again ok???
THANKYOU MALO smiley - kiss
right back to normality cos all this nicey nicey might have people thinking im ill and im not having anyone throwing a party and not inviting me!!! pmsl

well Malo i popped into the Boars head earlier and i have to say you have been neglecting your little empire, the beers sour, the happy hour is morbid, the punters are all unemployed dossers (not the kind of clientele to compete with the opposition (the FoLDers) i proprose we sack the Head Barman smiley - blue as i believe the cheeky tw@ has been creaming the profits and running the business into the ground, i also believe those unemployed dossers are friends of his too so they are probably not even paying for their drinks! i also think happy hour should go back to the hours of 7-8 and not 1-5am (you can lose your liscence for that)!!! and what about some entertainment? not to my taste but i here Tottys free for Stripping on a Thursday night, i hear also (and i thought Sunday evenings) theres a new comedian on the circuit going by the stage name of AWOL NO1 (hes not as funny as he'd like to think he is but hes cheap and the Gay Community like him so we could have Gay night/Comedy night rolled into 1) Friday night LAYDIES night..a few cowboys doing the full monty would suffice i think, my contacts tell me 1 will be in the country shortly but i dont think we could afford him so erm lets see....Jim/39 and The Boring i mean Boriyani Man (both dirt cheap but fully prepared to give it the full monty though saying that i think Jim/39 could double as a stripper on Gay night/Comedy night as hes not averse to tongueing the odd shirt lifter) that just leaves us with a slot for Saturday night..Kareoke? its worth considering early evening, drinks half price until say 10pm the we make it club night DJ's Bands etc and if anyone comes in after 10pm they pay entrance fees..what do you think? a few ideas to be getting on with and lets face it you need a new manager after what smiley - blue has done to the for thought ill leave you to ponder over my ideas oh and i would only want 10%..that and the 90% for being your campaign manager should just about cover my fees smiley - biggrin

get back to me and ill have a contract drawn up for you to sign ok?

smiley - fullmoon


Post 129

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

as promised an ickle message
from mesmiley - angel to usmiley - devil
just 2 say
u smell of poo!

i should do poetry profesionally, don't u think??..................
i could become i tell ya!!!

smiley - angellynseysmiley - devil



Post 130

Researcher 224352

smiley - laugh cheeky git lol, nah was nice bit of poetry was thatsmiley - smiley
well i'll pay you smiley - 2cents for that lil poemsmiley - biggrin
if i could think of a poem right now for you i would but i cant i only know rude ones smiley - smiley

speak later my lil fallen smiley - angel

smiley - rainbow


Post 131

Little Miss- Get well soon Kylie.XXX

rude eh?? well u could alway email me 'em!
if im ur ickle fallen angelsmiley - angel does that make u my big dirty devil??smiley - devil

smiley - angellynseysmiley - devil



Post 132

Researcher 224352

me a smiley - devil? never im too nice me lol, i'll have to get through the blonde jokes first got loads ready to send smiley - biggrin
how many blonde jokes are there?

none they are all TRUE hahahaha smiley - laugh

smiley - rainbow


Post 133

Researcher 224352

smiley - sorry vampy, i didnt see the mega msg that you had written, my god that was some msg, took me 2 hours to read itsmiley - laugh well thats the first time i had ever heard you say the word "thank you" n ohh i got a smiley - kiss aswell smiley - yikessmiley - laugh you want to be my campain manager? seems a good idea renaming the site malos world, but in my mind it already is.smiley - laugh 10% seems resonable but not sure about the 90% you lil shark lol so am i to take it i cant tell anyone that you had thanked me for your page? you know i wont tell a soul cos you will n you wont even know about it lolsmiley - laugh i know you like to take the smiley - bleep wouldnt have it any other way but i think you are taking the smiley - bleep to much if you think i'll turn the boars head in to a gay bar to accomadate your friendssmiley - laugh n as for the full monty crew you have lined up. do you really think woman will buy tickets to see your gay friends wen they can have the chipindales smiley - laugh i know they have been having lockins in the boars head n i dont think i'll lose my licance as a result cos it's a priv part, invite will be sent to you via bluesmiley - tit shouts over to smiley - blue (take vamp an invite for the priv party will ya) All the rest of your ideas will be stolen from you for no fee at all, thanx for your comments they will be noted n forgoton about, lmaopmp smiley - redwine is waiting at the bar for you, your custom is always welcome but leave your wafes n strays at the door thanx lol
smiley - rainbow


Post 134


told you not to mention that smiley - bleep thankyou ever again!!!
smiley - tongueout still seeing as its a 1st (AND LAST) you milk it for all you can LOL

anyway they arent my gay friends i thought they was yours, AWOL NO1 and Jim/39's over from the blue parrot or whatever that clubs called again..i was just trying to accomadate everyones needs, me personally ill be there club night (might give the kareoke a miss though, me singing might kill your business)! ill give the full monty a miss too (i hear AWOL NO1 wants a part of the action there aswell..seems only fair i spose if Jim/39's stripping sunday night gives the shirt lifters something to smiley - laugh about too and then theres Boriyani and Jim/39 doing the full monty on LAYDIES night..think ill give that a miss too pmsl (i mean ive seen them dressed and that was smiley - bleep scary enough!!! LOL
have you spoken to the Haggis yet? will she do it? cant take the smiley - bleep with that 1 though shes a canny Scot and wont work for the smiley - 2cents you can throw at the AWOL NO WHATEVER, BORIYANI and JIM/39
i dont know all these good ideas i come back with and you through my offer of being your campaign manager, and manager of the Dossers Arms back in my face you ungrateful tw@! ok dont say i never warned you let smiley - blue the smiley - tit run it into the ground!!! dont come running to me then when hes cheated you out of your last smiley - 2cents!

well ill take my invite to the lock-in off smiley - blue might see what other con tricks hes got up his sleeve and when you change your mind about me being your manager the price will of gone up to 110%........................the question is can you afford me? i think not, ill just put in an offer for the place, you can work for me lmao


smiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcatsmiley - blackcat

smiley - runsmiley - runsmiley - run

smiley - fullmoon


Post 135

Researcher 224352

hmm well what can i say?smiley - biggrin your on top form tonight vampysmiley - laugh well first of all im pleased you will except the hand writen invite i'll have hand deliverd to your sweaty handsmiley - laugh
as for gay friendssmiley - grr they aint my friends full stop so stop trying to palm them off on me smiley - laughim not having your gay friends stripin in my pub n turning the beer to vinigar so lets hhear no more said about it may i also remind you that this isnt a dossers bar, it is a very up market establishment, but if it was a dossers pub then it would have a highier class dosser coming to the boars head than your friends aresmiley - laugh
as for the running of this pub it's in bluesmiley - tit's hands hes doing a great job as far as i can see n he's also offerd to sort out my tax returns n look at my books said he used to be a smiley - chef n is good at cooking my books (what ever that means)smiley - laugh why dont you go over to the bar where i'll happily send blue over with your smiley - redwine
he should be in work soon i think hes doing some work in the celler in his spare timesmiley - smiley i aint spoken to toots in a while but i think she will have some explaining to to wen she turns up for her spot later as i have been informed she was table top dancing n had broken my table in the barsmiley - grr seems your smelling of smiley - fish with all them smiley - blackcat following yousmiley - run
smiley - rainbow


Post 136


hi malo
u dont know me but i know that smiley - bleepsmiley - vampiresmiley - bleepsmiley - bat

with reference to what she's been saying.... dont believe a word!
i do know that u have to keep an eye on her in the bar tho... when she starts on the double voddies she'll soon be up on the tables doing her bit!
then the place empties quicker than u can get her down (or the table collapses, whichever first)
the next day is bliss tho, ive never known her to shut up for so long smiley - laugh
smiley - smiley


Post 137

Bernadette ACE - healthy, wealthy and gorgeous!

Hi! Just going back to answer message you left me. How nice to have a personal, big, welcome to yuor page!


Post 138

Researcher 224352

hiya smiley - smiley theres no rushsmiley - biggrin
i had to register on 360 to leave that msgsmiley - laugh
was first time on there so i dont know much about it, all i know it's part of dna. smiley - bubbly glad you liked my pagesmiley - biggrin can you do all that stuff on 360? will have to educate me about 360smiley - smiley
smiley - rainbow


Post 139

Bernadette ACE - healthy, wealthy and gorgeous!

360 is great, you can do all sorts smiley - winkeye

I'll talk more tomorrow, I have someone to meet soon.


Post 140

Researcher 224352

well hope you can show me the best of 360smiley - smiley
was great chatting n hope to chat more soon
i have to go too so see you soonsmiley - hug
smiley - rainbow

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