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A88054590 - 'Mansfield Park' - a Novel by Jane Austen [1]No Posting5 Weeks Ago
Peer Review: A88045059 - Is There a Doctor in. . . ? Paging Dr Gregory House [6]No PostingJul 29, 2024
Peer Review: A88037526 - Anti-Tank Weapons [6]No PostingJul 1, 2024
Peer Review: A88040207 - 'Now and Then' - the Final Beatles Song [8]No PostingJun 4, 2024
A88040063 - Neolassicistic Art - Mass Market and Industrialisation [4]No PostingMay 23, 2024
A88040072 - Neoclassicistic Architecture - Back to the Basics [4]No PostingMay 23, 2024
A88048849 - Gulls - a Beginner's Guide to Identification [1]No PostingApr 27, 2024
A88048425 - Common Linnets - Tuneful Birds [3]No PostingApr 22, 2024
A88048100 - Jacques Bellot's 1586 Phrasebook: How to Speake English Perfectlye [17]No PostingApr 18, 2024
A88047110 - 'Persuasion' - a Novel by Jane Austen [1]No PostingApr 13, 2024
Peer Review: A88026041 - Flapjacks - a Guide [8]No PostingApr 9, 2024
Peer Review: A88043132 - 'From the Earth to the Moon' and 'Around the Moon' - the Novels by Jules Verne [4]No PostingApr 5, 2024
Peer Review: A88037148 - Smoky: Yorkshire Terrier War Heroine [10]No PostingMar 30, 2024
Peer Review: A87962890 - The Ultimate Marvel Film Guide: 2020 - 2022 [8]No PostingMar 1, 2024
Peer Review: A88035960 - The Tank Museum, Dorset, UK [12]No PostingFeb 3, 2024

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Number Twelve (who bears a strong resemblance to Number Six wearing a hat & dark glasses...)

Researcher U224285

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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