This is the Message Centre for KeenCook2


Post 1



Peasoupdragon here, we havn't heard from Maddiex on the board since the Convention really and was wondering if she is doing well.

If you still have my email address would you mind passing it on to her and send her the Curry regards and hopefully we will see her again in June.

That was some night the last time, I still remember the hangover with horror.

PSDsmiley - alesmiley - winkeyesmiley - bubblysmiley - smooch


Post 2


Hi there, nice to hear from you!
Maddiex, I'm afraid, doesn't have email any more. It's all gone belly up.

I will def. pass on your greetings smiley - smiley when I speak to her. Not much chance of her coming over in June, I think, but you never know.

I'll email you at work, unless you have another addy you use. You can always get me on bee54 at hotmail dot co dot uk.
KC2 x

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