This is the Message Centre for groovyman2


Post 1

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

smiley - biggrinhi brian how's u doing??plz!smiley - hug xxlyd


Post 2


hi lydia im great thanx.howz u&wot been upto?.smiley - hugsmiley - kissbrian


Post 3

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

im doing gr8 thanx soz for not replying so quick but i whent out for a drink with a friend of mine from ld.havent been up to much just the usual what about u plz?? smiley - hugsmiley - kissxxlydiaxx


Post 4


hi lydia,im great thanx,im visitin denise who i met off ld,goin to n/castle for w/end.smiley - hugsmiley - kiss.xxbrian


Post 5

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

smiley - hughi brian smiley - cool
now now! dont do what i would not do smiley - bluesmiley - hugsmiley - kiss have a great weekend hunni xxxsmiley - lovelyd


Post 6


hi lyd,howz u&wot u been upto?smiley - kissbrianxxx


Post 7

MISS.FRANCE.ex user of LD

hello briansmiley - kiss
how's things?
soz for not been able to reply so quick but i had a prob with my system smiley - biggrin
so!what u been up to?
chat soon.smiley - lovesmiley - huglydia

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