This is the Message Centre for wysiwyger

Sorry to bother you, its LegersV007

Post 1


hey wysi

I just wanted to find out if you know why noone shows up at "Is This..." anymore. I get lonely with that Doug dude, he scares me sometimes...smiley - wah

Sorry to bother you, its LegersV007

Post 2


Legers - you are not bothering me. I miss posting with you too - we all do! I will catch you when we are both next online . smiley - hug


Post 3


Thats so nice to hearsmiley - ok

But still, I haven't heard from Magster and BOP for the longest time now. But than again, its summer and they all could be on a vacation


Post 4


Hey Legers - you around right now?


Post 5


No not really. I had to work so I signed off earlier. I'll be on late tomorrow night. Will you be on?


Post 6


Online now.... (or maybe not depending when you see this smiley - smiley


Post 7


I'll be on for another 15-20 minutes.

So how you doing?


Post 8


I'm smiley - cool!

Do you have an email I can contact you on? If you don't want to post it that's OK !


Post 9


My email is [email protected] Whats yours?

Same here. The weather today was sweet and chilly. just the way I like it


Post 10


Thanks Legers! You will see mine when I mail you - probably tomorrow.
Can I just suggest something as well? I am going to unsubscribe to this conversation so as not to leave a link to it on my space - if you do the same then your email won't be easily seen.

Sorry to be so mysterious - I will explain when I email you! smiley - smiley

ps. I am not a mad stalker!

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