This is the Message Centre for VictorLaslo


Post 1


Hey Vic,

I forgot I opened a page on here ages ago under my original name. Couldn't get me head round it at first so I didn't bother. I've checked the house rules on here and it's OK to pass on personal details and such.

My email addy is [email protected] You can pass that on to whoever you see fit.

Meeting up would be agreat idea.

See you later.



Post 2


Hey that was quick smiley - smiley

It was a smiley - laugh tonight guys really enjoyed it.

Mine is [email protected]

It would be good if you could come to the allotment Terry's asked Aitch and I again and we had a great time when we went last year with PP. Or any other meet you want to arrange.

Look forward to hearing from you, if you want to get in touch



Post 3



Like you, I was posting an answer then running downstairs to scoop a slice of lasagne out of the dish, pour a beer and run back up again. I nearly fell up the stairs twice and I've got tomato sauce all over the screen.

The allotment visit is a brilliant idea.


Post 4


Bobby smiley - laugh I kept getting me timing wrong. Poor Sizz she was being so honest smiley - laugh good on Annetta though for cottoning on, bless her.

You will have to listen to Jezza now even if it is only once a month when Terry is on smiley - winkeye

I tell you more about what we got up to last time we went to the Allotment when I email, which will probably be tomorrow now smiley - smiley



Post 5


Emailed you both a while back, then spent the rest of the time trying to get back on here. Is it me or is this thing a bit difficult.

If you didn't get my email, leave a message here and I'll try again.

Bryn / Vic.


Post 6


Got it mate. Just replied a minute ago. I'm not sure how this thingy works either. Not very easy to keep track of.


Post 7

Agent Sizzle

Hi there,

Thanks for finding me on the Music Club!
Still smarting from the drubbing I got last night in the quiz. smiley - sadface
What is this H2 thing anyway?



Post 8


It's a bit like a private club version of the message board Sizz.

You can't come in, unless you know the signs.

Letting people know you email addresses is allowed.

.......Truth be known, I'm not to sure me self....



Post 9


Hi Sizz smiley - smiley

It's where the DNA (Douglas N Adams) all started and it stands for Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galazy. People write articles and submit them to the Guide for Peer Review, there are loads of forums and you have your own personal space. No 3 minute rule and it's 24 hour.

Check out smiley - thepost which gives you an update on what's going on in h2g2 (Hootoo to the locals)

They also have volunteers that help run the site. You can do a lot more from here with your messages and stuff as well.

Plus there are a lot more smiley - smiley and there's smiley - cakesmiley - choc



Post 10

Agent Sizzle


Ta, I never say no to cake and chocolate.

As far as this place goes, am I allowed to throw a tantrum and stomp off, like I did from your site? smiley - winkeye



Post 11


Of course Sizz smiley - smiley it was my fault I just through a wobbler not making any excuses but I do have a lot to content with sometimes. People say oh how can you post when you have these things to deal with but I just find it an outlet from real life but sometimes the two merge.

Just got back from the hospital (daughter is in again) and again people might say well why are you here? - well I feel awake hubby is asleep and I just like to chat and escape from it all. I've made a lot of friends on the internet who have become good friends in real life like Aitch. But sometimes I fly off the handle. Most of the time I don't react to the throw away one liners but I do think sometimes a lot of the posters can be very inconsiderate of other people's feelings. It's all very complex isn't it really? smiley - smiley

Glad you are talking to me again cos I felt you avoided me on the N&CA not that I blame you for that smiley - smiley

Anyway so much for smiley - cake and smiley - choc I think I'm going to have a smiley - redwine

I think you will like it here I can see you contributing to the guide, me I'm too lazy academically to bother smiley - laugh but maybe one day.



Post 12

Agent Sizzle

Hi again BDG!

You're right, and I don't believe in pretending - I was avoiding you! smiley - laugh
Don't know why, really, I'm not the sort of person that normally holds a grudge; usually it's an explosion then everything's fine again.

Know what you mean about finding balance - Mr Agent has spent time in and out of hospital and sometimes, despite an incredibly guilty conscience, I've come home after visiting and got things out my system by spending a couple of hours typing commie crap on the MB - it's too ridiculous for words! (In every way)

Blimey, more ways to waste time now. It's probably silly, but I am usually a bit dubious of forums -I like the the R2 boards because they are suitably anonymous. Without going into the details I've got a (probably irrational) fear that a certain someone can lurk and essentially follow me around. Daft, but there you go. Let's see how this goes.

Anyway, it's gone midnight - still wide awake but up at 5.30 smiley - sadface

Night all xx


Post 13


Well folks, looks like we are going to get used to how this board works, due to the imminant closure of naca.


PS, we will have to work hard at trying to explain to the right wing numpties how to get on here. Tell your friends.


Post 14


Furstly Sizz smiley - cool no problem as far as I'm concerned events have over taken us I think smiley - biggrin we are fighting for the survival of our community here smiley - sadface

Victor/Bobby/Myth whoever reads this we can create our own community here but it's needs to be done in an organised way to avoid confusion for people passing over.

The way I see it is the BBC have only themselves to blame by not consulting and announcning a fate a comopli (spelling up the spout but who cares?!) One of the hosts I know well on here passed some of the Points Askew board closures back to the R2 Coffee Bar when it closed now it is going to rebound and everyone will end up in DNA h2g2.

I don't know how much you know about the history of it all but basically they couldn't sustain the old boards system from a technical point of view so they opted for taking onboard the sytem we are now in DNA which eminates from here. Clearly budget cut backs on hosting the boards etc., moderation etc have played a part and now they are starting to close boards but at the end of the day it will make no difference if the same number of users are on line.

Ironic really that we came here a couple of days ago must be pre-ordained because now we are stuck with it and there is no option really it's not that complicated. We can make a go of it and in a way it's kind of a rebuff on the BBC. But what you have to remember is that DNA and h2g2 started outside of the BBC and now they are inside it WE must repsect that and it is a self run forum with volunteers helping to run the site.

I have long since moaned to the R2 Shows & Music board that they should put there collective knowledge into submitting an article to h2g2 there isn't one at present a sad reflection on R2 and it's message boarders IMO. At the end of the day h2g2 is a permnanent record of life as we know it now that will be passed on to future generations.

The only person I have on my friends list who has contributed to the guide is Pamela please click on my friends list to see what she has done all from a set top box on her TV. Remarkable puts the rest of us to shame smiley - smiley

smiley - peacedove



Post 15

Agent Sizzle


I got in a bit of a mess with all this (I'm not good at reading instructions) earlier on but now have my personal space up and running too. smiley - smiley

I agree we can create a really nice community on here and have some interesting discussions and contributions. There are a lot of people with a lot of knowledge about all kinds of things.

smiley - ok



Post 16

Agent Sizzle

Hi VL, Hi Bobby -

Maybe you have seen that ERic has joined us here.
He wants you to email him.


Post 17


I sent the old gezzer a message on my return from Tesco's Sizz.

I know he's a biggotted racist, but he's a nice bloke dispite that, and he has to be part of this.

Glad to see you're getting to grips with it.

Have to go to bed now.



Post 18


Where's ERIC can't find the bugger!!!!!!!!!! We are all over the place here!!! Up a level overnight Not being bossy but PLEASE re-group here I've created it quickly will motify as and when. We have Guru's and ACE's from h2g2 helping trust me I've been on the site on and off for a long time. Don't just jump into the main forums because we will loose everyone and it won't go down well. People can start any new conversation they like on the forum link above I will have no control over it that's it whatever they want to talk about the same as it was on R2 just stay within our own forum unless you want to talk outside of the forum of course! It's normal here for there to be forums within forums but if we want to keep peeps together we have to focus where they start from? Becky XX


Post 19


This is a better a link!

If you want to start a new topic just click on start a new conversation smiley - smiley


Post 20


Victor I've made you a cup of tea here :

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