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Yo KoRn FaN

Post 1

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

Hey dude didnt realise that u was a KoRn fansmiley - smiley I saw em live at london arena last september they were smiley - bleep'in amazinsmiley - smiley Was like 3 metres away from jonathan davissmiley - smiley U got all their albums? I should hope u have lol Which ones ya fav? Whats ya fav song?
My fav album is their 1st alb "Korn" and me fav song is "Somebody Someone"

Plus u own an X-Boxsmiley - smiley There arent many ppl wid gud taste on here but u seem 2 b one who assmiley - smiley

l8rz MaRc

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 2


Hey buddy... Yeah huuuuge Korn fan... I think my overall fav album would be the first one.. But it deoends what mood i'm in sometimes.. Follow the leader i listen to alot.. It would be the same as the songs.. ADIDAS, twist, blind, freak on a leash, clown... There are so many good one's its hard to choose my fav...

You're one of the rare breed of X-BOX owners then... There are not many of us.. Can't wait to play Halo 2 with a few mates online.. smiley - ok

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 3

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

I dunno mate, theres quite a few of us Xbox owners where I live.. We realise true power!! lol I mean I have splinter cell on Xbox and me mate as it on the PS2 and the differance in graphics is really noticeable. The Xbox graphics are a lot more sharper. I've played Halo online. You can connect ya Xbox to a PC and trick the Xbox 2 think it's playin a link up play and instead play 16 people across the net lol Halo 2 will be gr8, so will Sudeki. Am lookin foward 2 Raw 2 and Soul calibre 2smiley - smiley My fav KoRn song is somebody someone

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 4


Soul Calibre 2 is one to look out for.. Had the first one on the dreamcast.. Aww memories smiley - laugh

I have splinter cell but i've never played it.. Daft really cos i have had it since november/december ish.. smiley - erm

Have alot of games to get through though..
On the the PS2 i have Primal, bounty hunter, tomb raider angel of darkness.

Gamecube i have a star wars game, Jedi something, Eternal Darkness.

And then splinter cell on the Xbox..

I'm sure there was more but i can't remember them.. Nothing like playing halo with a Korn/Metallica soundtrack smiley - cool

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 5


Oh.. Hope you don't mind but because you like Korn.. You have an XBOX and you have a crow quote i have put you on my friends list.. Is that smiley - cool?

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 6

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

Thats cool wid me matesmiley - smiley Im off up birmingham 2daysmiley - smiley Gunna get a new xbox game not sure wot likesmiley - smiley
lol I was gunna get brute force but i played it round me mates house yday and it looked very average. U ever played Morrowind on Xbox? I love itsmiley - smiley gr8 RPGsmiley - smiley I had soul calibre on dreamcast 2smiley - smiley I loved my dreamcast!!! I still got itsmiley - smiley I loved Shenmue and Shenmue 2 ahhhh the memoriessmiley - smiley Shenmue 3 is set 2 be announced on the Xbox and the release date will b given next week I thinksmiley - smiley SUPERB!! I wanna kick Lan Di's ass!! U shud play splinter cell is a gr8 gamesmiley - smiley Not that difficult 2 complete like but still a gr8 stealth game. I prefer Hitman 2 tho cus i prefer 2 take the guns a blazin approach rather than stealth lolsmiley - smiley I have like a 1000 hour soundtrack downloaded onto my xbox of rock and hiphop trackssmiley - smiley VGr8 to play Tony hawks 3&4 and sega GT 2smiley - smiley
U realise that when the Xbox memory says 50000+ blocks it actually as around 600000+ blocks!!! lol U'll never need a memory card. l8rz MaRc ps am guna put u on me pal list if thats cool??

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 7


Awesome. Thats all good mate.. Shenmu is one of my all time fav games.. Loved it.. Are you sure you're not my alter ego or something smiley - laugh

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 8

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

smiley - coolCud be dudesmiley - smiley lol Ya never knowsmiley - smiley U play Shenmue 2 on dreamcast or xbox? I completed on dreamcast might get it on xbox cus itz in english and itz only £19.99 brand new from HMV in the sale at the mosmiley - smiley

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 9


Thats all good... I had it on dreamcast.. I miss my dreamcast.. I had it for my birthday and i was waiting outside GAME for 20 mins until it opened at midnight.. Got it home and played 2 and a half hours of sonic.. Awesome..! smiley - cool

Yo KoRn FaN

Post 10

MaRcMeiSTeR (ACE) JeDi GuArDiAn EnEmY oF DarTH MaLeK

Yo dudesmiley - smiley How u doin?? Soz 4 l8 reply i lost the threadsmiley - sadface I bought mortal kombat deadly alliance the other day cus am a big fan of Mortal Kombat. I need to find the Fatalities from off the internet but me not got internetsmiley - sadface boo hoo. will have 2 wait til i go back 2 uni smiley - sadface

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