This is the Message Centre for cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

hi peeps!xx

Post 21

Star Fleet...

how long are the hol's ?? theres no time limit but with the messages and helpin people its about 8 hours smiley - smileysmiley - cheers for the smiley - bubblysmiley - laugh

hi peeps!xx

Post 22

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

ur nmes kev then smiley - cool page hun .The hols r 4 7 weeks of hell lol..helpp time to escape lmao x

hi peeps!xx

Post 23

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

8 hours that wud tire me out lol..its ok on the pc faster and u dont get blank screens etc smiley - grr

hi peeps!xx

Post 24

Dark Thunder

Hiya Lorraine hows u hun hope u can remember me hunnie. i hope im working this site rite cos me don't know how to use it lol. neway its me jason u know me well i hope u do. what you been upto babes....

hi peeps!xx

Post 25

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

jason corse i do hun ur me m8 from yoome2 ill help u if ur stuck on here hun wot u need a hand with smiley - hugsmiley - smileysmiley - hug from ur m8 xxx

hi peeps!xx

Post 26

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

jason im off just now m8 ill reply to ur msges as soon as i can take care hope ur ok smiley - cuddle

hi peeps!xx

Post 27

Star Fleet...

jason heres a page that might help you A1104021 if you need any help just give us a shout smiley - smiley

cuddly hiya smiley - biggrin

Star Fleet
smiley - zen

hi peeps!xx

Post 28


Hi peeps.smiley - smiley

smiley - sorry i was a bit slow to reply but im a bit busy.smiley - biggrin

smiley - jester

hi peeps!xx

Post 29

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

hi star fleet how r u hun smiley - cuddle
bassline helloo hun kno ur busy smiley - smiley

hi peeps!xx

Post 30

Star Fleet...

cuddly hiya smiley - ticklesmiley - biggrin im just chillin smiley - cuddle

hi peeps!xx

Post 31

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

star fleet noones around tday thought i was on my own smiley - biggrin theres ppl coming in from yoome2 trying to escape yoome2 cos its so run down smiley - laugh r u online busy most of the day then ?smiley - smiley

hi peeps!xx

Post 32

Star Fleet...

yeah im here till about 3 well its friday smiley - discosmiley - disco whats wrong with yoome 2 did they ever get it sorted smiley - laugh the news ive heard is i dont know if its true though but ld will be back but you have to pay for it smiley - sadface

hi peeps!xx

Post 33

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

star fleet i rember ur nme from ld now i used to use the foyer all time smiley - biggrin more barrings than most smiley - laugh yoome2 jamming up blank screens and invisable chat rooms smiley - grr ld b worth paying for if it works better than yome2 smiley - smiley u off out anywhere over the weekend then ?

hi peeps!xx

Post 34

Star Fleet...

nothin new there then withsmiley - bleepin yoome 2 smiley - laugh i was barred a few times just a few people winding me up smiley - grrsmiley - laugh its going to be cheaper than yoome smiley - smiley

hi peeps!xx

Post 35

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

sum ppl r rude on yoome2 i got threatned other day for sticking up for my m8 smiley - biggrin im not repeating wot this guy well out of order lol..b gr8 if they bring back ld can get it on telewest and pc

hi peeps!xx

Post 36

Star Fleet...

the only thing is we might get the idiots or as their called on here trolls smiley - laugh mind you get them everywhere smiley - grrsmiley - rose

hi peeps!xx

Post 37

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

star fleetleast ur all friendly on here smiley - smileysmiley - hug

hi peeps!xx

Post 38

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

wheres midnight hiding smiley - biggrin xx

hi peeps!xx

Post 39

Star Fleet...

she's online smiley - biggrin

hi peeps!xx

Post 40

cuddlywolf~manageress~of~the~functionroom~28 weeks 12 to go!

starfleet ive found her lol..not so fast on my digy box tho ud all b w8ting a year for my reply smiley - biggrin

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