This is the Message Centre for Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate


Post 21

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

yeah the weather is what is putting me off coming to Englandsmiley - laugh, I will get there one day

Cyprus sounds like my kind of place

isn't it awful getting back into w**k mode, I am the same after a few days off


Post 22


well I have had 3 weeks so it is even more so.... wish I wasn't back in.....


Post 23

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Oh no fair 3 weeks, off you lucky thing, an poor you having to go back to w**k

I have just worked out, that in 8 weeks we have only done 30% of our share of the crop (285000tn so far) so we have another 20 weeks at least go smiley - wah, making for a very long season, will be early december before we finish at this rate, we are severly limited at the moment by the fact we are doing export sugar,the fugals keep backing up, which slows everything else but apparently that is to end soon, so we can pick up our crushing rate, an we might finish soonersmiley - smiley


Post 24


Well I hope so on the hours your working - I don't want to see a thread entitled "too tired to type" from you due to overwork smiley - laugh


Post 25

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

it is like that, I read the threads, but just can't bring myself to talk to anyone, just sort of zone out

on the upside I seem to have dropped a size, I have had to go back to my mens size 16 jeans cos the 18 ones keep falling off my hipssmiley - laugh,In fact I took them off the other day without undoing them smiley - yikes work only provides mens working clothes, unless you are working in the office, in which case, you can get staff clothes

That's what I get for being almost the only woman, we have a female fugal person this year, on my shiftsmiley - biggrin, so we can gang up on the blokes,smiley - laugh but she is going to have to grow a thicker skin, or she won't survive


Post 26


Sounds harsh *lol* but at least you have a good working atmosphere there by the sounds of it - gotta go and move pcs so will chat shortly....


Post 27

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

this isn't a bad shift, got most of them trained nowsmiley - laugh, I don't take no sh*t from no one, an I rule my stage, just took the blokes a while to realise, but a couple of smiley - chocsmiley - cake got them all on my side smiley - laugh took them a little while to recognise, that I do know what I am doing, and am doing it wellsmiley - biggrin


Post 28


cool glad to hear.... so you are the power behind the job ruling the roost???


Post 29

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

to a certain degree, how well I run my stage governs how fast the mill can crush, if the fugals an pans get behind an I am running full, then I can stop the mill, although we are all interconnected, the final descision is usually mine (well I tell the shift super, an he slows the mill down, or if my outside syrup tank gets to 100% (it goes to 114%) then I call the boilers to stop the mill) I do my utmost not to stop the mill, cos that means alot of running around for mesmiley - biggrin which I really don't want to do......


Post 30


whoever does smiley - laugh

sounds complicated anyway..... smiley - smiley


Post 31

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

it can be complikcated, but most of the time we just hum along, so long as I keep an eye on stuff, an adjust my stage accordingly, things go wellsmiley - biggrin

I follow The Village Idiot, most of the time (here on in to be known as TVI), who doesn't have a clue despite having done the job for 10 years, which means it takes me a while to get the stage under control, an doing what I want, not what it wants smiley - laugh

TVI, is the reason I am so frazzled


Post 32


Why what has TVI managed to do to you to get you so frazzelled???


Post 33

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

By the ancients! That stupid feck is still there?!!smiley - groan

My sincere sympathies.
smiley - peacedove


Post 34

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

oh yes Stealth, he is still there, I have managed not to strangle him

Flame, TVI is totaly incompetent, it can take up to 2 hrs (on an 8hr shift, an 4 on a 12) to get the stage back in control, an get the mud levels down to acceptable

smiley - sadface


Post 35


Sorry to hear.... smiley - cheerupsmiley - hug

I hope then that the powers that be realise it sooner than later and get someone in who can do better....

or he learns something.... smiley - smiley


Post 36

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

He's been there 12 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

an no one will say anything to him cos they are afraid he will smiley - wah

smiley - erm

next year will be interesting though, as there is talk they will be mothballing Scarymead(Fairymead Mill), so all the permanents there will be farmed out between Bingera Mill, which will also go continuous (as opposed to the 5 day week they do now), an Millaquin, so there won't be as many seasonal jobs on offersmiley - sadface


Post 37


Well entrenched then smiley - laugh

Damm so will that impact you too much?


Post 38

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Hopefully I will get back, (if I want to go), as I can not only do the efeets(pronounced F.A.s) I can boil sugar, do the fugals, weld, oxy cut, strip pumps an valves, pressure test,an do basic fitting, so I am pretty much an all roundersmiley - biggrin


Post 39


Glad to hear... for me I still have a considoration in mind for next year for me. I have been offered a summer job in Cyprus working for a dive school... would mean leaving behind for a long while people I trust and would also depend on my finances....


Post 40

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

Sounds like it might be time for you to spread your wings......

teaching dive in Cyprus would be alot of fun

smiley - ok

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