This is the Message Centre for gamerthirteen1

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Post 1

Evoot - Back in Black!!


guess who,lmao x

smiley - devilsmiley - devil


Post 2


im on phone to sam!
well sams mum sams on here too!
sams mum has just said its u!
but i wouldnt have known!

how are u?
joe xx


Post 3

Evoot - Back in Black!!


have fun,lol x

im alrite i sposesmiley - smiley, u hunny?


Post 4


im not speaking to sam now she upset!!!


Post 5

Evoot - Back in Black!!

i heard,lol x

awww how has she then?? x


Post 6


me and sam are friends again..lmao!

are u online this thing realy confuses me if i tell sam she takes the pi$$ cos im confused most of the time!

well if u can send me a msg saying yes u are online i ll be looking for it (4 days and days probs!)

joe xx
ps. how did u get them realy big dragons and how do u write in different colours!?


Post 7

Evoot - Back in Black!!

awwww, why u confused about this?? this is nowt too me, i was working out telewest html last nite,lolx

theres a whos online thing, dunoo if it works tho.... u cud also say hi in folders arms too...where old ld peeps go..

colour and dragons? i did that using summat on here called gml, its a a code language, ill show u how to do it one day or.... u can look in help guide
clairette{likkle bondage fairy}

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