This is the Message Centre for Evoot - Back in Black!!

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 21


That' is so strange that hun, i don't know how that has happened myself.
Barnado's that is for children in distress hun, are you sure no one hae has put it in for you?

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 22

Evoot - Back in Black!!

im the only one who uses the account, i was at work all day till 4, and most seem to be sent whewhen im at work cos of the time itse its says

on the barnadoes one, it said i sent summat with a virus too em, but u cant do that oat on telewest plus me've nenever even since there address in in existence.. its weird

i jsu hope i dont have that virus thats goinoing round that cloggs ur e-mail up

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 23


Clairey hun are you on a pc or digi box, cos if you are on pc that's the only time you can get a virus.

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 24

Evoot - Back in Black!!

im im on a digibox, ive had a virus on box 1nce... cos i got a weird e-mail, fwded to my my msn addy cos cant open attachments on telwelwest and it was infected...

i reckockon there cud b away of doing it...


To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 25


This smiley - bleeping stutter is doing my head in, and the keys have a mind of their own aswell.
I have just tried to send a message, and it went to click here to return to the convo smiley - grr

Anyway going back to the conversation that we are having smiley - ok
Well i didn't know that you could get a virus on digi box, so i had better touch wood that i don't get one hadn't i?
What is this thing you have in mind, that you can do hun?
You will have to tell me please, just incase i get one.

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 26

Evoot - Back in Black!!

when i said about thing 'way of doingoing it'

i meant there is prob way of getting vi viruses, and even hacked too, dunno how secure boxes actually are

i cud find out wat these e-mails..atachmchments are but im worried itll mess my work comp up too cos allsts cud be attached....

ill have to mail telewest person i know off h2g2... see wat he says

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 27


I think it would be a good idea hun to tell this person on h2g2, cos he might know what's going on.
Anyway hun i will have to go now, for i havne't hadad any dinner yet smiley - ok
Catch you later but if not i will tomorrow.
Take care and be safe smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 28

Evoot - Back in Black!!

i will e-mail him and see wats going on,,,

speak soon


To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 29

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

S'cuse me n' sorry for butting in!

JJust thought I'd let you know Natz that I don't think Fay needs Steph's e-mail address. Considering they live opposite each other and gand go to the same school lmao smiley - laugh

xsmiley - lovex

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 30


smiley - ok hun good luck.

I won't be on later, for i am going out for a meal.
So will see you soon smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 31


Hi Sian smiley - smiley-)

Oh i didn't know that hun, but i guess that i do now lol smiley - biggrin
You missed my birthday celebration yesterday, cos it was my birthday monday gone. smiley - smiley
Where have been hiding then, cos we haven't seen you around for awhile < smiley - cry
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 32

Evoot - Back in Black!!


this journal is for ne1 u know... so d/w



To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 33


Hiya hun smiley - smiley

I am sorry i wasn't around yesterday, but i had millions of things to do.
I went for a meal lastnight with my cousin Alan, he even brought his new girlfriend Sarah with him.

smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 34

Evoot - Back in Black!!


To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 35

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)


smiley - smiley
Awww sorry I missed it, no one told me...HAPPY 21st smiley - crackersmiley - discosmiley - bubbly

Did you not get the e-mail I sent you a few days ago?


cheers! Though I don't speak to Steph nowadays!

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 36


Could you send us an email with ers on Claire... You know me email addy x

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 37

Xian (walking, talking, living...zombie!)

Stupid cow! I forgot to ask for it...duh! lol smiley - laugh

Could I have her e-mail address please smiley - smiley, mine is [email protected] (soon tbe changed if I KEEP GETTING JUNK E- E-MAILS...smiley - grr!)0

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 38


Hiya all smiley - smiley

Sian i wish that i was 21 again, now that would be fun toto start again lol smiley - biggrin
Oh what does d/w stand for by the way?

smiley - love xx*NATS*xx smiley - angel

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 39

Evoot - Back in Black!!


will do asap hun x


you're also getting junk mail? omg, ive hadhad quite abit to....grrr ...

To anyone who knew StEpH{I LoVe DaViD EtC}}

Post 40

Evoot - Back in Black!!


d/w= dont worry

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