This is the Message Centre for leydaf

just ask serenity

Post 1


hi andy.

now thats a silly thing to putsmiley - biggrin

i could say anything now..
i could tell everyone about the time that you went haggis bashing.
or the time that you....... i better keep quiet about that onesmiley - biggrin

now this is where you offer me great amounts of moneysmiley - 2centssmiley - 2centssmiley - 2cents to say nice things about you..
i will just get my wheelbarrow and be round to see you.
and i dont want paying in sachets of sugar, i get enough of them from other sources..

be in touch soon..

other half

Post 2


what you done with the better half sent him packing on his coach driving or have you done something more sinister lol im of to foriegn waters now catch during the week
ttfn lhk xxx A

other half

Post 3


i sent that message while he was out doing the bingo run.
its good to see that those blue rinsed wrinklies have their usessmiley - biggrin

now im gonna get bombarded with horrible comments from those blue rinsed wrinklies...

other half

Post 4


goof morning gorgeous.

long time no chat.smiley - biggrin

how are you today?

other half

Post 5


???????????????????? you talking to me lol

other half

Post 6


i call all of my men gorgeous.
that way i dont get their names mixed

other half

Post 7


why are we holding 2 strings of conversations scotland again sunday or should i say early monday morning 1 minute past 12 to be precise

other half

Post 8


why not?. we get to talk twice as

i take it that is when your hours are free to start again.

other half

Post 9


you trying to get me dizzy if i go to fast flicking from one page to another it might blow the box up lol

other half

Post 10


it doesnt take much to confuse you..

would you prefer to stick to one thread?

other half

Post 11


im not really bothered but is a short way to skip between the two threads

other half

Post 12


it could be worse.. it could be one thread and email!!!!

other half

Post 13


oh dont do it its bad enough as it is did i tell you im on holiday in a fortnight for 2 weeks

other half

Post 14


sorry for the delay.. a phone call..

no you hadnt said about a holiday. are you going away.

just think how much im going to save on

other half

Post 15


im going up the north east on the saterday to pick up the grandson not going away as such might have the odd day out weather permiting

other half

Post 16


so you wont be going out much then. its bound to rain that

other half

Post 17


got to go people are getting up catch you soon bye for now xxA

other half

Post 18


ok andy.

i will be in touch through the week.
bye for now..

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