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hiya hun
GrifterGal Started conversation Aug 26, 2003
hiya hun, how are you?
well let me tell you about myself i live in London with my partner Ron, i collect collectable dolls teapots and
and i.m a drama workshop leader
i,m great friends with
Guy who i have known now for two years! as well as his mother
would you like a
with a slice of
anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon
take care
Grifter Gal
hiya hun
bond.girl Posted Aug 27, 2003
Hi hun I am doing great thank you. How are things with you? I have known
guy for about a year I think as well as mom
. I live in Washington state and am married with 2 kids a son who is 8 and a daughter who is 4 and they both just love
guy. How did the 2 of you meet I first meet him on LD when he pmed me looking for someone to chat with. Well got to run
talk to you soon hun.
P.S Thank you for the and
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 1, 2003
Hiya Cindy hun how are you? i,m
i haven"t repled until now but i,ve been having a lot of problems accessing my page and its been driving me up the
would you like a
or a
with a slice of
? or would you prefer a bowl of
? anyway cindy i look forward to hearing from you soon
paula AKA Grifter GAL
would you like to be my pen pal? and can i have your e mail addy? you can have mine if you want it
ps Guy says hi to you
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 1, 2003
Hiya Cindy hun how are you? i,m
i haven"t repled until now but i,ve been having a lot of problems accessing my page and its been driving me up the
would you like a
or a
with a slice of
? or would you prefer a bowl of
? anyway cindy i look forward to hearing from you soon
paula AKA Grifter GAL
would you like to be my pen pal? and can i have your e mail addy? you can have mine if you want it
ps Guy says hi to you
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 1, 2003
Hiya Cindy hun how are you? i,m
i haven"t repled until now but i,ve been having a lot of problems accessing my page and its been driving me up the
would you like a
or a
with a slice of
? or would you prefer a bowl of
? anyway cindy i look forward to hearing from you soon
paula AKA Grifter GAL
would you like to be my pen pal? and can i have your e mail addy? you can have mine if you want it
ps Guy says hi to you
hiya hun
bond.girl Posted Sep 3, 2003
Sure Grifter hun I would love to write to you. Give me your e-mail addy and I will e-mail my addy to you
. Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I have been out of town on vacation. Take care hun and I will talk to you later
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 6, 2003
hiya Cindy its paula here AKA Grifter Gal it was great to hear from you again : hope you had a great holiday
here is my email addy for you its sexbomb76 ok hun hope you and your children are well and i look forward to hearing from you again soon
take care
Paula AKA Grifter Gal
ps here is a and a jam
for you
hope you enjoy them
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 6, 2003
hiya cindy how are you? i.m
so what you been doing with yourself? i havent done much pretty boring really apart from watching the wwe American wrestling
will you send me your address in an email mine is [email protected] anyway here is a
for you and a slice of
and i hope to hear from you soon
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 9, 2003
hiya cindy hun hows you? i,m
cos i can finally access h2g2
hope you email me with your address soon cos i,m lookking forward to writing to you
here is a
and some
for you its
anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon
take care
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 10, 2003
Hiya cindy hun paula here remember me??? how you been? i,m
hope you are ok hun as i havent heard from you receently and i thought i might have said or done somthing to upset you
and that would make me
anyway hun here is a
and some
and i hope to hear from you soon
hiya hun
bond.girl Posted Sep 11, 2003
LMAO no hun you didn't make me mad
. The truth is I just forgot
sorry please forgive me
. I am bad when it comes to saying I will do something then I forget to do it
Gosh I am turning red now. Anyways sorry I have not been on here much been a busy time here my son just started 3rd grade
Hey thanks for all the
I am going to nedd to diet soon
. Well i am off
I will send you that E-mail right now
talk to you soon hun.
hiya hun
GrifterGal Posted Sep 15, 2003
hiya cindy hun how are you? i,m
<sorry i have only just replied to this message but i,ve only just seen it
i,m as blind as a
without my Glasses
anyway hun i,ve just sent you an email and here is a
for you kids
but nothing for you cos you said you were going on a diet soon
oh ok then here is a
for you and some
take care Cindy
hiya hun
bond.girl Posted Jan 10, 2004
Hi Paula hun how are you sorry I have not been on here lately but I could not remember my password. Anyway I hope things are going well for you and talk to you later
Key: Complain about this post
hiya hun
- 1: GrifterGal (Aug 26, 2003)
- 2: bond.girl (Aug 27, 2003)
- 3: GrifterGal (Sep 1, 2003)
- 4: GrifterGal (Sep 1, 2003)
- 5: GrifterGal (Sep 1, 2003)
- 6: bond.girl (Sep 3, 2003)
- 7: GrifterGal (Sep 6, 2003)
- 8: GrifterGal (Sep 6, 2003)
- 9: bond.girl (Sep 9, 2003)
- 10: GrifterGal (Sep 9, 2003)
- 11: GrifterGal (Sep 10, 2003)
- 12: bond.girl (Sep 11, 2003)
- 13: GrifterGal (Sep 15, 2003)
- 14: bond.girl (Jan 10, 2004)
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