This is the Message Centre for bond.girl

hello xx

Post 1


hello smiley - smiley would you like to have a chat to a 36 male liverpool england? if yes i would
love to hear from you smiley - love phil
smiley - rose

hello xx

Post 2



hello xx

Post 3



hello xx

Post 4


How are you phil?smiley - biggrin

hello xx

Post 5


hello smiley - smiley im fine thanks. just had a busy day with shopping
ill be going to america next year
im going to florida a place called kissimee for 2 weeks i went 18 monts ago it was great especially busch gardens and universal studios and wald disney
resort its just a lovely place darlin. anyway wots your name? are you married single any kids? anyway it was nice to hear from you and i hope to chat later smiley - love phil smiley - rose ps do you have an e-mail addy? my e-mail addy is
[email protected]

hello xx

Post 6


Hi Phil how are you sounds like you had a great time in Florida last year. I have never been there myself. Yes I am married and I have 2 kids 8 and 4 I will e-mail you my addy and sign my name.

hello xx

Post 7


hi babe smiley - smiley florida is a wonderfull place i wont go anywhere else except there so hows your day been i hope you have a good day and i get your e-mail soon take care smiley - love phil

hello xx

Post 8


Well you must come to the Northwest some time. Do you like mountains and ocean? I live in between 2 mountain ranges and a couple hours away from the ocean. Work was great today ty

hello xx

Post 9


hi smiley - smiley i like mountains and scenery also countryside so where
about in the states you from? also wots your name? :o) ps wot do you do in work?

hello xx

Post 10


I live in washington state. Aned I work in a daycare

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