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Researcher 229051 Posted Jul 2, 2003
I have 1 dog and he will be 13 on the 2nd of december,3 gerbils,2 cockatiels.
As you can guess i love animals,did have 2 hamsters but they died 2 months ago,1 was 3,and the other was 4,which was a good age 4 a hamster,as they only normally live 2 about 3 years old.
I take its comeing up 2 the evening over there,anyway speak 2 u later,so you all t/c.
bond.girl Posted Jul 3, 2003
Right now here it is 8:22pm here. I use to have 2 cats a dog 2 birds and 2 gerbils. One of the cat died from feline lukimia this year our dog we had to put down cause he kept biting people. The birds died frim the dog and the gerbils one died from the cat the other died form old age.
Researcher 229051 Posted Jul 3, 2003
Yea i will miss my dog when he has gone,ive always said that i will not get another one,as i wouldnt get another one like him.
So what has the weather been like over there,over where i live it has been up and down,1 minute showers the next sunshine but it is still warm.
Hope you and the rest of the family are keeping well,t/c,phil.
Researcher 229051 Posted Jul 6, 2003
Hi,glad you are having good weather,its still overcast over here but its still warm.
I suppose there is still time 4 the sun 2 shine.
Hope you and the est of the family are keeping well,im keeping fine and so are the pets.
bond.girl Posted Jul 6, 2003
Hey thats good to hear hun. We are all doing well here,Just relaxing now that we are done celebrating the 4th.
Researcher 229051 Posted Jul 7, 2003
Hi babes,well hope you enjoyed the 4th of july,well he weather is great over here 2 day the sun is out and its flippin hot,the weather is like a yoo yoo over here.
Glad 2 hear you and the rest of the family are keeping well,im keeping fine and so are all the pets.t/cphil
bond.girl Posted Jul 8, 2003
The 4th was fun went to a bbq got drunk lite off a few fireworks. The weather here has been warm but overcast
Researcher 229051 Posted Jul 8, 2003
Hello,well ive got 1 dog and he is a long coated jack russell and he will be 13 in december,3 gerbils and 2 cockatiels who are 9 years old,1 is male and the other is female,the male is a noisy so and so,but the female is the boss.
It was a hot day over here yaterday,so it looks long summer is not over just yet.
Glad 2 hear you and the rest of the family are keeping well,im keeping ok,t/cphil.
bond.girl Posted Jul 9, 2003
Our dog was a collie, Germen Shepard, Retriever, Wolf mix. out cat is a 11yr old Calico. The weather here has been warm but overcast.
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- 21: Researcher 229051 (Jul 2, 2003)
- 22: bond.girl (Jul 3, 2003)
- 23: Researcher 229051 (Jul 3, 2003)
- 24: bond.girl (Jul 4, 2003)
- 25: Researcher 229051 (Jul 6, 2003)
- 26: bond.girl (Jul 6, 2003)
- 27: Researcher 229051 (Jul 7, 2003)
- 28: bond.girl (Jul 8, 2003)
- 29: Researcher 229051 (Jul 8, 2003)
- 30: bond.girl (Jul 9, 2003)
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