This is the Message Centre for bond.girl


Post 1

Researcher 229051

Hi so what was your username on ld,as also i was on ld,im from Basildon Essex in the uk.


Post 2


hi hot-rod i had a few names i was iwannabeabondgirl, AmericanFantasy, American Princess and c341. it is nice to meet you


Post 3

Researcher 229051

cant say that i heard of them names on ld,my names were HOT-ROD,TWIZZLE,TWIZZLE1+I _LOVE_FEMALES.
I went mainly in the romance room,i wish they would bring back ld,as the chatsite yoome2 is not that good.
So tell me a bit more abut yourself,my name is phil.


Post 4


i mostly used the foyer room


Post 5

Researcher 229051

I use 2 go in there sometimes,when ld was on i use 2 chat 2 someone in the states,but lost touch when ld went off,there was talk of ld coming back but i dont know how true it is,anyway hope u r keeping well.


Post 6


I have heard the samething too. I would like it to come back. I miss talking to all the people i met over there. Talking to them on here or in E-Mail is not the same


Post 7

Researcher 229051

The rumours about ld coming back have been going around 4 sometime now,that it makes me
wonder if it will ever come back.
As you said its not the same keeping in talking with friends on here or by e-mail,but i suppose its better than nothing.


Post 8


I actually get excitedsmiley - wow when we are all online either in here ir E-mail at the same time. And some times one of them will actually get an ideasmiley - eurekato call me, but lately it has been when I am working. Lol.


Post 9

Researcher 229051

Hello,hope you and the rest of the family are keeping ok.
Well the weather this morning down where i live is not very good as it is raining.
I suppose the friends you keep in touch with in the UK,are not on line as the same time as you due 2 the time difference.
If you would like 2 e-mail me at anytime be free 2 do so,my e-mail addy is [email protected]
Anyway you and the family take care,smiley - smileyphil.


Post 10


There is one that I talk to that is online the same time I am but that is usually not till midnight here and I am ready for bed. Some times I can get online with 2 of them. thanks for the e-mail addy i will e-mail you mine when I get to know you better.


Post 11

Researcher 229051

Hello there again,hope you and the rest of the family are keeping ok,im keeping fine.
Im normally go 2 bed around midnight,sometimes i stay up a bit later.
So how is the weather over there,it started off with rain here in the morning,but turned fine in the afternoon.
If you want 2 know a bit more about me,dont be afraid 2 do so,t/ caresmiley - smileyphil.


Post 12


Hi againsmiley - biggrin I normally go to bed around 12:30am. The weather today hes been rain on and on but warm. Do you work? If so what do you do? Are you married? Do you have kids? Am I asking to many questions?<laugh?


Post 13

Researcher 229051

No you are not asking 2 many questions,no im not allowed 2 work due 2 my health,i suffer from blod pressure problems and also get bad migraine attacks and also suffer from emphysema.
I am divorced have no kids,been divorced since 1991,when i got divorced i said i would never get married again,and so far i havent.
My dad died in 1967 and my mum died in 1970,had 6 brothers 2 sisters,but 2 brothers died in the space of 5 days 6 years ago and another 1 died last october.
The only time i see the rest of my family is at funerals,apart that i keep in touch with my eldest sister,the family drifted apart when my mum died,which is sad really.
I just get on with my life as the best as i can,sometimes i do get bored,but otherwise i do cope with what i pput up with,i suppose that is part of life.
Anyway hope i havent bored you telling you part of my life story,but i always have a smiley - smiley on my face.
Take caree,smiley - smiley phil.


Post 14


how old are you? I am 35


Post 15

Researcher 229051

Hi again,im old enough 2 be your dad,i will be 56 on the 6th september,but ive been told i look much younger,i dont act anything like my age,why does my age bother you.
smiley - smileyphil.


Post 16


No age doesn't matter to me. I will still talk to yousmiley - biggrin


Post 17

Researcher 229051

Hi hope you are keeping fine,though my age may have put you off,as it does 2 some ppl.
So how are things there,the weather over here hasent been that great,its been raining,think we have had our summer.


Post 18


Things ar egoing great here the sun is shining. Age does not bother me.


Post 19

Researcher 229051

Had a hetic morning done some shopping,still got 2 get my pets their food.
The weather is like a yoo yoo 1 minute rain then the next sunshine.
Didnt sleep 2 well last night,i dont sleep that well in the summer,but in the winter i sleep like a log.
Hope the rest of the family are keeping ok,so all t/csmiley - smiley phil.


Post 20


Hi sounds like you have been busy. What kind of pets do you have? Me I have a cat and 2 kids and that is enough for me. Weather here has been nice and sunny. I am the opposite I will sleep all day during the summer and in the winter well I can sleep all night anyway. The rest of the family is doing well ty. Talk to you later.

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