This is the Message Centre for bond.girl

hello bong girl

Post 1


Hello bond girl smiley - ok

I notice that you are a ex-LDer smiley - smiley
well you need not aimlessly wonder the internet anymore smiley - ok

Have you poped over to the Lders home page that me and loup have set up HERE >> U201567 .
Or have a look at the list of other Lders HERE >> A814303 , I will put you on the list if you want
And have you been over to the FoLDers Arms HERE >> A913150 ( Lders own Bar smiley - winkeye ) were you will always be made welcome

or even the THE BOARS HEAD, HERE >> A1042534

I also see that you like cammping, I am going camping in a few weeks, we have not been camping for a few years as we keep going to the USA for our holidays,
but this year we are going to go camping again in the UK smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

hello bong girl

Post 2


I just glanced in your room this morning i will have to go into the links when I have time. Yes I am an old LD user I was iwannabeabondgirl and American Fantasy. We go camping every chance we get, nothing like getting back to the basics of living you know no running water no electricty and my favorite no indoor bathroom. Lmao. I will have to check out those other sites this weekend thanks for stopping by. xxxx

hello bong girl

Post 3


As long as we have got the main things

A Tent
food & water
sleeping bags
And most important,,,,A list of the local pubs smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

hello bong girl

Post 4


oh yes all of those are a must. If no pubs then a list of liquor storessmiley - cheers

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