This is the Message Centre for bond.girl
Morning Mrs 222117! lol
~~Insomniac.Vampire~~ Started conversation Jun 8, 2003
Hiya ,
well its 12.31 here and i suppose your still in bed you lazy bugger!!! lmao
a msg as promised and better late than never eh!
well i forgot to tell you, all the links on my page are not written as they should be..for example 'Who's Online' is 1st in the yellow link box under 'Spot The Idiot' lol..1 you might find interesting (the 2nd 1) is 'Press here....Oooohh That Feels Good' lmao erm that shows how i did my page, you could cut and paste that and play around with it for future use (to find the same on your page you would look for 'Edit This Page' but yours wont have anything in it yet except the text you have on yourself
if you go to my green box, it has 'Advertising Space Up 4 Rent' its a drop down there though i think some of the links arent quite right yet, theres 1 i think you'll appreciate called 'Friends??? of LD' im pretty sure thats the 1 with the list of LDers using this site (though id better go back and check that)! lol
erm what else? oh scroll down to my pal list (or they are in the yellow link box as 'Useful People To Pinch Links Off' our mutual friend Tw@ty is in there so you could msg him if you like (but you know how long numbnuts takes to reply) lol erm theres also Malo Korrigan (Ace) and Midnight (Guardian
& Ace) on my pal list (you could msg either of them, both personal friends of mine and either would be more than happy to help you with your page if you have any problems i cant help with, besides the Aces have to help you thats there job! lmao (but theyre both really nice aswell)
ok what else can we sort for you? err well lets see..the 'h2g2 library' is good (on my page as 'Stupid Faces' i think, must check that aswell LOL im not sure now might be the smileys!)if you go there you can see a pic gallery (complete with blob numbers) some of which you might like to put on your page, that maybe reflect your personality in some way, theyre not brilliant but some are ok!
right i think that just leaves the little smileys......
you can have fun with these! a few there for you lol
= < ghost > but with no spaces!
= < vampire >
= < fullmoon >
= < witch >
= < scientist >
= < devil >
= < disco >
= < footprints >
= < star >
= < surfer > (a fave of mine)!
= < rose >
= < kiss >
= < laugh >
= < clown >
= < cheers >
= < ale >
= < stout> (guiness)!
= < stiffdrink >
= < bubbly >
heres 1 i use a lot! LOL = < bleep >
that should keep you going for a while! lol
well ill pop back later and see how we're doing ok?
take care (oh theres NO private msgn so NO personal/names in here ok)
p.s./ here with a msg like this i reckon i could get an Acehood! what do you think? lol
Morning Mrs 222117! lol
~~Insomniac.Vampire~~ Posted Jun 8, 2003
well its possible i could be out with the time difference but im gonna get off now, the msg i left earlier should be enough to keep you busy for awhile on your own anyway
catch you later
Morning Mrs 222117! lol
bond.girl Posted Jun 8, 2003
Hey thanks for all the info. It will keep me busy for a week I think. Sorry I missed you earlier I had just went to bed when you were posting that to me. Lol but you are right I am lazy just ask anyone. I will have to go in and poke around in your page it sounds great. Again thank you
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Morning Mrs 222117! lol
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