This is the Message Centre for travelling_queen

I Maeve

Post 1


Hi Just come in here for a change,dont know if you bother to come in anymore.still unsure how to use this .never get any messages soonxxSan

I Maeve

Post 2


hi sandra
just popped in here while im waiting for a program to start on the tv.. dont come in here much...if i come in via the tv emails i usually end up getting booted and have to reset the box and when i use it from the pc i find its very slow..ill have to start using it again i do have some that i know that use it cant talk to them anywhere else but here..anyway talk to you soon..maeve..xx

hello again

Post 3


I am still trying to fathom this lot out,so i have been coming in a few times the last week,then i get booted and give up,there is a way you can customize your space,been trying to fathom that out,got so far but then the pics i picked dont materialise.Some of the other spaces i have been to have got smashing pics,so i am going to see if i can master it.xxxSan

hello again

Post 4


hi sandra
well im going to start using this site a bit more and when i find out how to put some pics in "my space" ill help you with yours .. thats if you dont work it out before me .. you should get in touch with sal ..thats smurfles.. im sure she will help you....been to sunderland today with linda we had a great time .. weather was good..didnt buy much we spent most of the time looking for a grey leather belt for her dad .. seems they dont make them any more.. well i go for my driving lesson in the morning .. bit scary but im sure it will go ok its not as if i havent driven a car before .. just not driven over here in england thats all ..ill let you know how it goes .. maeve..xx smiley - oksmiley - oksmiley - ok

Me again

Post 5


Hya Maeve,i am coming on this site more and more,i will fathom it out yet,up to yet this is what iv found out,go into GuideML-clinic this will need to have your page in guideML,(thers a box at the bottom of the edit my page and u need 2 tick that then press ok.then what i can gather to add a pic the GML code is..(Substitute*****for the pic number you want)see pic no.s inh2g2 pic library in GuideML clinic,I have tried but no pic appear must be doing somthing wrongxxxSan

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