This is the Message Centre for The Magster

from me to you.

Post 1

bowl of petunias

Hello Magster!
I didn't want to leave my e-mail on the board but here it is:
[email protected]
I don't have a YM id but I do use MSN.

from me to you.

Post 2

The Magster

Hello BoP smiley - smiley You are so kind. I mailed you just over seven hours ago...did you recieve it. By the way, I loved your story on Is this... thread. I used to be a bit like you, all the alarm bells ring but somehow not making themselves heard properly. Life's a rich tapestry and all that smiley - zen

from me to you.

Post 3


Good Mornin' Mags darlin i thought i would just drop in to see how your doin' are you still on your crusade..anyway see yeh later darlin'smiley - lovesmiley - rose

from me to you.

Post 4


Hi BoP-Me darlin'dont let anyone rob you of your sense of humour your the best...errr well you and kris are the pair of you are fine outstanding ladies keep smiling BoP now these are just for yousmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - rosesmiley - loveyeh

from me to you.

Post 5

Peedo Dug

Warning to all people exchanging e-mail with Doug Deep
This person is extremely dangerous. Doug will exchange mail with you and after sucking you in to gain your respect and trust the antics will start.
I therefore intend to tell people what he is really like. If just one person takes my advice and keeps clear of him it will be worth it. People need to know what a dangerous and vile person he really is. To do this they only need to research his past posts.


from me to you.

Post 6

Peedo Dug

Warning to all people exchanging e-mail with Doug Deep
This person is extremely dangerous. Doug will exchange mail with you and after sucking you in to gain your respect and trust the antics will start.
I therefore intend to tell people what he is really like. If just one person takes my advice and keeps clear of him it will be worth it. People need to know what a dangerous and vile person he really is. To do this they only need to research his past posts.


from me to you.

Post 7


Good Morning Peedo-Me owld mate i just dropped into tell you i got you a Tee Shirt..well i got you two really one with the UNION JACK on the other SKULL & CROSSBONES i tell you now it will look great on you smiley - cheerssmiley - rose

from me to you.

Post 8

Peedo Dug

Why don't you go away Doug? You aren't wanted on this thread. Leave the kids to play by themselves. You can't blame people for not wanting to talk to you. Be a good chap, change your name and come back on as a decent person.

from me to you.

Post 9


Good morning Peedo-how you doing me owld marra hey!did you like the smiley - strawberries tell you i've missed you my little smiley - cupcake.Anyway me owld marra i just have to finish this translation and i'll be with you shortly take care me owld matesmiley - diva

from me to you.

Post 10

The_Apple_Woman...being conscientious & objective

Unfortunately, Doug, there are some smiley - weird people on hootoo who are always trying to smiley - thief people's sense of humour. It is a smiley - cry shame because those people who have nothing to do all day long can give a large contribution to the h2g2 community. smiley - angel

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