This is the Message Centre for The Magster

Ali Trust

Post 1

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

Hello Magster,

I've just come hot foot from 5Live - and your post re a fund for Ali.

I was wondering if us lot - who spend far too much time doing frivilous things on h2g2 and other places might not come up with something constructive to do to aid this cause?

Now....I'm going to run away and wait for someone to tell me what I should be doing!

smiley - fairy

Ali Trust

Post 2

The Magster

Hmm your scarletness chelsea one. The first thing is the will, which appears to be present, the second is ideas. Apart from giving a donation, what else do you think we could do? I'm not being friviolus here honest, it is a cause that I would gladly give a bit of time and trouble to because it involves enabling folks to take care of themselves. I am however, low on ideas, where as CG seems to be fully in control of her little grey cells today if her rather excellent post on FLN is anything to go by smiley - smiley

Ali Trust

Post 3

Scarlet Woman, (new and improved)!

I thought I said I was running away!

I guess you are right - a donation. Do you have any info on where to send?

Grey cells have retreated to where they normally lurk now! Bit of a one off for me!

Ali Trust

Post 4

The Magster

All information can be found at

You can donate on line or over the telephone.

Apparently they have 50K already.

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