This is the Message Centre for sweetnpetiter

Hi Stranger

Post 1

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Trace

smiley - love

Long time no chat smiley - biggrin
How are you?
I hope everything is well.
Where have you been hiding lately?
I seen your name on the list to see who was on, so i clicked on your name, and now i am here to say hi to you.
Take care smiley - ok
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

Hi Stranger

Post 2


hi nats

i msgd u bout 2 days ago under the headin helloooooo u must av missed
anyway im ok ta luv,howz u been doin then?smiley - smiley

smiley - love

Hi Stranger

Post 3

*angelicaheaven* xxi will take thee stuart to be my husband for eternity.xx

Hi Trace

smiley - love

Sorry about missing your message i really am.
What am i like hey? lol smiley - biggrin
I'm so blinking hot and i don't know what to dod with myself.
I have just got back in from the shops, i had to get cat food.
It all came to £10 dead, with yohurts, porkpies and eggs.
£10 just for those few things, its blinking horrendous.
The price of stuff these day is terrible.
Anyway i am glad that you got back to me, and i'm smiley - sorry for only just getting your message.
Stuey sends his love, i'm talking to him on the phone as im messaging you.
smiley - love xx*NATS*xx

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