This is the Message Centre for sweetnpetiter

hi there babes

Post 1


hello hunni so u used 2 go on ld what was ur user name and how old are u married single ny kids i used 2 be topspur on ld ny way hope 2 hear from u soon kev xxxxx

hi there babes

Post 2


hi there

pleased t meet u hun,i woz sweetnpetite for the last yr on ld.wot rooms did u go in? i used pubroom mainly.
chat soon


smiley - rose

hi there babes

Post 3


helllloooooo i used 2 go in the romance room babes sometimes the pub in real life im always in the pub lmao so do u not go on yoome2 where do u come from and wots ur age im 28 essex may have already told u that but got a brain like a seive lol xxxxxxkev

hi there babes

Post 4


nah dont go on ume2 heard its
im 29/sheff.


hi there babes

Post 5


yeah it aint that good hun but its sumthing 2 do i guess so did u make of m8s on ld i made a few i still chat 2 all female tho of course so u must be a wee tough nut living in sheff lolxxxx

hi there babes

Post 6


y,do u think sheff is rough or summat? lol
yeh made a few m8 frm kent n nina n steph frm essex,u know them?

hi there babes

Post 7


nah me dont them but maybe u could introduce us one day lol i did think sheff was rough ive never been there so shouldnt really judge but u do hear a lot of things happen there so have u been 2 essex then babesxxxx

hi there babes

Post 8


well my 'friend' frm kent used t say its horrible n stuff up ere but when he cam up t visit he said it woz quite nice.
no iv never been t essex n i imagine it t b full of boy

hi there babes

Post 9


how did u know that yeah southend is full of boy racers basildon aint 2 bad tho i got sum m8s in kent who i met on ld so wot do u do with urself then do u come on here a lot ive only been on here a few days but it seems ok xxxxx

hi there babes

Post 10


who do u know frm kent then? i know a few off ld.
i only come on ere in afternoon when my kids r at school smiley - smiley

hi there babes

Post 11


i know hot guy 4 u clive mask ian a girl called claire and a girl called nikki the two guys go on yoome2 aswell so i spk 2 them quite a bit or did till i got barred lol who do u know xxxxx

hi there babes

Post 12


a guy called mart,he woz rainbow islands on ld he uses ume2 sumtimes.girl called lisa,1 called kirsty n 1 called kel


hi there babes

Post 13


i gtg hun

been nice talkin,chat soon


smiley - rose

hi there babes

Post 14


god ur a busy girl then lol so have u met ny nice guys who u would have a relationship with i was with a girl from yoome2 but split 2weeks ago not sure i would have another with nyone from a chatsite although ive made some gr8 m8s xxxxx

hi there babes

Post 15


iv actually been havin a sorta relationship wiv sum1 frm kent,not sure how things will turn out thou.


hi there babes

Post 16

SIR REBEL_WOLF Knight Of Dirty Deeds

kent is smiley - ok

smiley - devilREBs

hi there babes

Post 17



r u frm kent then? smiley - smiley

hi there babes

Post 18


hi trace me from essex u nutter lol otherwise me would have been kent stud lol so what are u up2 today ive got one big hangover had a mad night last nightxxxxxkev

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