This is the Message Centre for SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Wow... what a crock...

Post 1

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Well thanks to the bumbling "help" of Telewest Broadband I've been unable to come on h2g2 for over a week...

But not like it would matter because it would seem that once again dun-dun-dun-dunnnnn I'm back on pre-moderation...

Okay I'm fine with that, it doesn't bother me at all... as all or most of you know that I had good cause to say certain things to certain pointless and ignorant members of h2g2... naming no names... but you know who YOU are...

Secondly or thirdly I should say I am now FULLY in control of my Telewest account... therefore if anyone from Telewest tries to say the bill wasn't paid by me then they'll have to deal with me... and I've NEVER missed any payments of my Telewest account...

And to all those who wondered where I was... and there are a few as far as I know... there you have it...

And I'm guessing I won Big Sister week 3... seeing as I was basically the only one there...

Oh and Kyle... don't even bother posting on here... I'm not paying attention to the likes of you...


Serjsmiley - devil

Wow... what a crock...

Post 2

Researcher 232059

hello there... glad to see you are back... i had been wonderin where on earth u had gotten to! lolxxx

Wow... what a crock...

Post 3

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Tell me about it... I was really psmiley - bleeped off by it...

I didn't know how boring it was around here without the TV etc...

I can't say I'm EXSTATIC to be back at the moment as I'm on pre-mod... again...

But I'm happy to be back to talk with all my Non-real-life mates...

How've you been??...

Serjsmiley - devil


Post 4

Researcher 232059

ooooops! did u say a bad word dollie??xxx


Post 5

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Nope, nowt bad... It's just that I'm pre-mod so all my posts are read before they're put up... to make sure there's no "defamatory content"

Serjsmiley - devil


Post 6


Well marc you hit the nail on the head

and you cant make fun of me being on pre mod cause ur on it too
and il be just coming off it soon and you will soon be sat here


Post 7

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

Didn't I say don't bother posting here... Oh I forgot... you can't read so there's no point in wasting my batteries on you...

So be gone...

I'll be off pre-mod before you will...

Serjsmiley - devil


Post 8

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

stay away form me when youre on pre-mod. last thing I need is to be followed to some of my fave places on H2G2.


Post 9




Post 10

SerjTankian... Freelance Assassin for higher... (not hire)

How does it feel being a member of the "dis weitter bun te band" Kyle...

Serjsmiley - devil


Post 11


dont tell me what to do ...
and i very much doubt it


Post 12

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

They're following me! Nooooo! (I say while jumping through the window in a Simpsons style fasion then jumping through the other way again).

Wow... what a crock...

Post 13

Researcher 232059

thats like me, ive been ill n not been out since wednesday so ive been really happy 2 hav the tv 2 play wiv! lolxxx

im alright tho...smiley - angel

done nethin excitin doll?


Post 14



Wow... what a crock...

Post 15

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

It'd be like being stalked wouldn't it? The pre-mod thing.

Wow... what a crock...

Post 16


no it isnt as bad as that

Wow... what a crock...

Post 17

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

All right then. Those tracking devices.

Wow... what a crock...

Post 18


what tracking devices them one that do phones and that

Wow... what a crock...

Post 19

Anarchist in the U.K- I'm not a hippy, Its just a nickname

No the ones that go round your ankle and buzz you.

Wow... what a crock...

Post 20


Oh them i dont know never had one on before

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