This is the Message Centre for Gaynor


Post 1

Mrs Poddy

Hello Gaynor from a wet and soggy Vayrac!

I just thought I would let you know that I have come to my senses and refused fruit!

Yep, I'm all jammed out. Even Ian doesn't want it!!!

Is your weather down there bad this year?

All for now.

Mrs P


Post 2


Aww... how sweet of you to call me Mrs P..... Jamming is something that gets to you after a while (cue for a Bob Marley song)......LOL

It's hot and sticky here, but not the canicule (heat wave) that we often have in July. Mind you it's early days for the summer season...The tourists are in town, and it's getting dangerous to go out in the car... They are all driving like Mad Max with one hand permanently on the horn... ! I really hate July and August here... I've got the family coming soon... In fact, I am going to stock their fridge with some of the jam I made last year !!! Well, someone's got to eat it !

Kind regards


Post 3

Mrs Poddy

Hi Gaynor,

I've just had family depart from us yesterday so I've been busy washing etc.......... It's great to see them all, but it does bring so much work and do you know what, I forgot to give them jam to take home!

Our next visitors (friends) come at the end of July (and it's their third visit) with their two children, which the young girl is now getting of the age (14) where she doesn't want to be with Mum, Dad and baby brother - so Aunty Margaret sticks up for her! This friend really made me laugh a few months ago. She had a young Italian exchange student stay with her and she had the nerve to complain how tiring it was with an extra person in the house etc! Carol, I said, there are four of you when you come here, how do you think I feel! She has promised to go out and about on their own this time and give me and John some space!!! Yeah right! I've also told her she can help with the cooking. I said it's your third visit, I don't have to impress anymore, you can get on with it! The only thing is they do actually come to see us and not just for a cheap holiday. Then that makes me feel bad because of the moaning I do! Perhaps it may be a better this visit. The weather wasn't that great when they came in late August last year.

Oh well, that's my moaning done for!

Have a great time with your family and please go and have a paddle in the azur sea for me. I love the seaside (but I can understand it's manic this time of year).

Best Regards
Mrs P


Post 4


Hi Margaret !

You sound very sensible... I shall be refusing to run around after my family, once they are settled in....

And as for manic, look what happened yesterday -

It was the scariest forest fire I have ever seen - and I've seen a few....we were almost evacuated....

Love Gaynor x


Post 5

Mrs Poddy

Crikey, that is scary. I hate fire. I am assuming that is actually Cannes?

Probably some silly tourist that threw their ciggy butt out the car window.

Glad you are safe and sound though and didn't actually get evacuated.

Take care.

Mrs P


Post 6

Mrs Poddy

Hi Gaynor,

I hope you had or are still having a great time with the family visitors.

I have two adults and two children arrive on Friday for 11 nights!

My Parisian neighbour has arrived but she hasn't delivered any greengages yet - but I suppose there is still time!!!

Mrs P


Post 7


Hi Margaret... I'm right in the middle of the famly holidays right now.... They have come down to Cannes this year - right in the middle of the busy season....It's the first time I've had to deal with 4 guests, from 8 to 80 years old...and it's really difficult keeping a happy balance....! So far so good, but I'm looking forward to being free again... !

Gaynor xx


Post 8

Mrs Poddy

Poor Gaynor, I know how you feel and you just don't get to relax in your own home do you! I know it's lovely to see family and friends and a good time is always had, but boy, it's tiring!

It seems extra manic up here this year. I don't know if it's my imagination or I didn't actually notice last year! Monday late morning the supermaket was heaving!

Anyway, back to FRUIT - guess what got delivered at my front door today?
Yep......... Greengages......... only a 1 kilo though and they were lovely large ones and the stone came right out easily, so I have made jam. I shall give a jar away to the Parisian that delivered the fruit - only fair.

All from me, enjoy your family.



Post 9


I adore greengages or reines-claudes..... Lucky you..... As for the family, I think we have enjoyed ourselves to the maximum....I'm looking forward to the departure. !!smiley - cool

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