This is the Message Centre for traceyannmk1

Hi Tracy,

Post 1


This is my second attempt at replying..I pressed on your name..and went to leave a message..If I press on reply..I get it in my box//??? Any ideas..smiley - laugh

Hi Tracy,

Post 2


I'm not sure on that one, I know that I've managed to send a new message successfully but not quite sure how I did it. I'm sure that between us all we'll manage to work it out.

How are you anyway? You seem to have been a bit quiet today so I hope you are alright.

Hi Tracy,

Post 3


Hi again,
Nothing much to report on, that's why I am a bit quiet..Having another go at giving up the weed..stuck a patch on and hope it works this time..about the 20th attempt..smiley - laugh

Hi Tracy,

Post 4


Hurrah it's Friday!

You will be fine with the giving up the weed. As I've never smoked I can't give any suggestions to help you give up, just take each day at a time!

My friend gave up at New Year. She's only had one cigarette since. She's even managed a couple of nights out without having a cigarette (Leanne's just looking forward to 1st July when the smoking in pubs is outlawed so it will be easier for her). It's not been easy for her with 4 kids and a nightmare X but she's getting there!

I'll be dipping in and out of here most of today (I'm a weekly poster as no Computer at home as I'm a pauper).

Keep in touch


Hi Tracy,

Post 5


Hi Tracey,
Thanks for your words of support..I am doing my best..but as you say when the stress gets to you that's when it becomes hard..still only my 2nd day, so a long tome to go..Be grateful you have never smoked..worst thing you can ever do..I haven't had a look at the CB yet, will pop over there now and see what's happening..See you throughout the day,
Cheers from one pauper to another..smiley - laugh

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