This is the Message Centre for MadHamish : Off in the real world!
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abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein Started conversation Dec 24, 2003
Hi Mad Hamish
Do you celebrate Chrsitmas?
If so; Have a nice Christmas and a Happy New Year
I hope you are back in the New Year if not before
I'm begining to wonder what happened to you!
Do you?
MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Jan 4, 2004
In all honesty, just got bored with computer useage really! Nothin personal to you lovely folk, but RL is quite demanding these days, so com-time doesn't exist really! I pop in from time to time, feel free to email me whenever you like my dear!
Cheers, No christmas, but happy new year!
(MIA...or something like that!)
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