This is the Message Centre for MadHamish : Off in the real world!
GrifterGal Started conversation Sep 24, 2003
the Answer is E
hiya hun Grifter Gal here just thought i,d drop by and say hello
and i,ve brought some
and Homemade
well i,m 32 female and i live in London with my fiance Ron and my two
i collect collectable dolls, miniture teapots, and
i also carry on films, listening to Music the crystal maze,
i,m a drama workshop leader
anyway i look forward to hearing from you soon
take care
Grifter Gal
MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Oct 1, 2003
G'day! how did you come about to landing on my doorstep?
(so to speak).
(I knew a grifter once........once)
GrifterGal Posted Oct 1, 2003
Hiya hun Grifter Gal here!
i came across your little corner when i was looking to see who was online
here is a
and some
for you
so hun you had a Grifter once, what colour was it? and what make was it? if you have a p.c click on the link for the Raleigh Grifters Owners Club, or you can visit my fiance's website at the following address;
[email protected] anyway i look forward to hearing from you again soon
take care
Grifter Gal
MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Oct 2, 2003
I think our definition of a Grifter is somewhat different my dear!
A Grifter, in my book, so to speak, is a person, or to be more exact, a con-artist, but a really good one, generally nomadic in lifestyle! You on the other hand seem to be refering to a form of transport or some such! Interesting!
(Both Grifters, it would seem, are able to take you for a ride! Boom! Boom!)
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