This is the Message Centre for MadHamish : Off in the real world!

dominators need love too

Post 1

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Take all while you can for future prosperity.
Dominators need love too and a "second act" so to speak, to fullfill their destiny. The second generation of monkeys will need a leader trained from a tender age in the devious ways of the great ones whom came before. Their care and feeding is no easy task. A spry 90 year old with mildly dimished powers could be overwhelmed in seconds by the monkey stare that penetrates places in the mind previously unseen and unspoken of.

*nice to have some history on the mad man*
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 2

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I see we have both been cloned. That will be no doubt, be helpful in yet unforseen ways.
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 3

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

There's one fact that I dodn't put my bio and you may benefit from knowing this(how I'm not entirely sure!)

I am fit and healthy, but five years ago I developed a pain in my right leg. It usually came on after training, so I tried to alter my training and continued on.(Oooh the plot thins!) This pain, I figure was just a slight muscle tear, but it didn't go away. A little later thew pain just switched legs! (Any ideas yet?) After doing the medical- go - round, I saw a rheumatologist by the name of Stephen Hall.(studied at the Mayo clinic in the US, very nice fella.) After the routine Cat and MRI scans it was revealed that I had the very early stages guessed it....Ankylosing Spondilitis!
So there you go! Now I was in a little strife for a while, but the Tai Chi fixed me up and a little accurepuncture(sp) is great for pain releif and as a muscle relaxant PLUS it's drug free! I no longer take anti- inflamitories, and find a diet of 1/3 meat, 1/3 vegetables and 1/3 fruit, absolutely NO processed food! I have no current effects of the little mungrel of an affliction but I remain a bit more level headed on the physical activities I persue!!
So there ya go eh!?! Is any of this worth considering for yourself, remember that Tai Chi is very soft on the body and only as strenuous as you make it(we have two octogenerians at our school!)

(Nunoo Nunoo).......(or is it Nunu Nunu?)

dominators need love too

Post 4

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

OOO very interesting details! I will ask more later.
Did you have symptoms in your spine?
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 5

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Yeah, just the bottom two vertibrae! Hurt like s**t down the legs though!

(Ask me anything you want to know, except about the Cuban Missle crisis.....I have nothing more to say on that! It's history, can't we all move on!)

dominators need love too

Post 6

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I started troubles at about 25 in my low back-pelvis and one ankle. The worst is my neck to sternum and the waist thru pelvis. Just this year the shoulders are bad. 5 years ago I had low back surgery and neck surgery which enabled me to continue-return to walking a bit . I had 3 or 5 (forget) vertebrae that were ok then . They are squashed bteween bad ones ,so no one is looking anymore.

My neck AS combined with the lightning strike has fried many pathways or the mylein protecting them. I also have a blood disorder.
So...I am going to try immunosupression therapy - Methotrexatesmiley - yuk I can not take prednislone(sp)have u taken either?Do you have a family history of AS?

They say because of the combo of arthritis types and blood disorder that it's a 50-50 chance of some relief. I am desperate enough to try this "poison" at this point I have nothing to lose.

I believe you are on the right path for yourself. You sound like a very sensible fellow in that waysmiley - winkeye
I did yoga as a vegan for years. I still think it helped, many say it also hurt. I will not get into why the diet changes occured, but i had to.

smiley - starSpeaking of Cuba they were blocking news reports to Iran and US and just got caught. The US is confident they can unscamble the signals.
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 7

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

I think like so many forms of disease and dis-ease they are best caught early in the process. If not prevention ,they catching things early is the next best hope. Correct and early diagnosis is vital.
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 8

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Yeah! I 'd say you're right there Abbi. Have you ever thought of Tai Chi for yourself? It is soooooooo low impact. I have many people in my classes with many different problems and it helps them all! From Arthritis to spinal complaints to kidney problems and so on and so forth. now I know it is difficult to even contemplate this kind of activity,but,(and it's a big but), it doesn't hurt to look, do a little research. Never hurts to look eh? (Unless your reeeally hung over, in which case looking hurts quite a lot!)

(I took a leap of faith only to find out that the pool was empty!)

dominators need love too

Post 9

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Wow you teach the classes? Or speaking from being a member?
I have thought about this being possible to some extent in a wheelchair. Are there benefits to be gained from a sitting position?

In retrospect I wish it had been my past experience rather than yoga. I do know some about it from past interest. I settled on the philosophy waaay back then and continued yogasmiley - winkeye

So what do you think about it for me? Are there stroke or MS patients in class? I am affected by the demyelination and head injury more than the arthritis as far as balance - standing.

*if I remember right I used to be smarter,quicker and taller* smiley - laugh
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 10

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Teach sometimes, I don't do it much, only when I'm pestered. Little bit reluctant to be "THE MAN" I would say that anything you can do to move as much as you can is great! I would suggest lokking into Tai Chi in your area as there are many different forms. I do Yang Style which is a bit active, but try,ChiKung, which focus on breathing more than movement and have many still positions more like yoga but less prone to involuntary farting and feeling like a rubber band. Have a surf and see what you can find. Feel free to call me and ask!

dominators need love too

Post 11

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

OK!smiley - biggrinThanks

I have used controlled breathing as a way to get through many things.
I am very tuned into such things in daily living, certainly in exercizing.

Once I learned about breath, I found I could chop would at twice the rate and half the work! Breathing properly makes life more efficient and clear headed! I love the natural simplicity of it. Like water in all forms ,has it's healing or soothing properties for us. I do subcribe to the air-water-earth healing energies and exercize.

Humor/laughter is the best mental,emotional, belly and breathing exercise. You make me laugh too smiley - biggrin Thanks ,strange one that healssmiley - loveSOTH -not to be confused with sloth, although sloths do make me giggle.
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 12

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

Well I have of course found a variety of classes and teachers with their own systems of business. I will keep looking for free info.
smiley - disco

dominators need love too

Post 13

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Excellent! May your search provide you with an infinite bounty!
I imagine that you could find most things in your part of the world, sooner or later!

I also wanted to know if the smoke from the World Domination Machine was bothering you? It seems to be burning out the carbon left in it from 1945. It should stop soon, the monkeys are just a little stressed. (Projectile crapping is not funny, especially when your the target!

(Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrgggggggh! Why did you have to do that you bloody minded little simian,... Sorry Abbi, gotta go......that's it one more flying turd and I'll get the Tazer!!!!..........)

dominators need love too

Post 14

abbi normal "Putting on the Ritz" with Dr Frankenstein

OOOOO the smoke is not as bad as the poo flingers!!!smiley - run
smiley - disco

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