This is the Message Centre for MadHamish : Off in the real world!
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Dr Funderlik has been notified.
Dr Deckchair Funderlik Posted Jul 17, 2003
It is hard to stay away, indeed, but I'm not quite on vacation yet. Not until 4am tomorrow morning when I have to get up and go to the airport.. I did a Grunt for the post - out today - and I also did one in advance for next week..
Dr Funderlik has been notified.
MadHamish : Off in the real world! Posted Jul 25, 2003
Hey, let's get this in perspective shall we!
World Domination is a 24/7 kind of a job! I think that it just the shows proper "WD" metal of the Doc to still be on the job while on holidays!
(I have also secured the services of Gwenyth Paltrow. I intend to drain her of her essence (100% concentrated boredom), put it in the world water supplies and put the whole world to sleep!)
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