This is the Message Centre for MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Hi MadHamish....

Post 1


Hi MadHamish smiley - ok

Welcome to H2G2, my name is manda (well its not really but that's another story) I am from Wolverhampton in the UK, I am your "<./>ACE</.>", (Assistant Community Editors), and I am here to welcome you to H2G2 and to show you around

A very popular place is the <./>ASKH2G2</.> , ( Don't forget to click on the "SEE MORE CONVERSATIONS" link at the bottom of that page ) that is were you can ASK what ever you want and maybe answer some of the questions that are there, or just join in with the conversations as they often go off topic smiley - winkeye

or you might like to look at the <./>FRONTPAGE</.> (there are a lot of links on the right of that page )

Or the PeerReview

If you click HERE >> U193090 it will take you to my page, were you will find that I have put some links to other places that I thought you might find interesting, including the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> page that is all ways a good place to start

If you have any questions or just what to talk then don't hesitate to leave me a message on my page or click on the "REPLY" button at the bottom of this page

Have some smiley - cake and a cup of smiley - tea to keep you going.

Speak to you later smiley - ok

Manda smiley - peacedove

Hi MadHamish....

Post 2

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

G'day Manda,
Oh Bugger, did I just give away that I am Australian? (Melbourne to be exact). Thank you for the little note & the places of interest. If you have time, could you let me know what you thought of my introduction on "My Space". My friends think I need some therapy, or good kicking!

Nuff said...MH

Hi MadHamish....

Post 3


Well, I thought your intro was funny. smiley - laugh JEllen

Hi MadHamish....

Post 4


Concidering you have only just joined up I think it is great smiley - ok

top marks smiley - ok

One of the better ones I would say smiley - winkeye


Ta Manda

Post 5

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Thanks for your comments. I will be changing the comments on a weekly basis(For something to do). I know many, many people & if I don't rotate the comments someone may miss out!
By the way, how does one put those nifty little icons on ones work, such as the kind you use? Smiley faces and alike?

Nuff said Mad Hamish

Ta Manda

Post 6

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Thanks for your comments. I will be changing the comments on a weekly basis(For something to do). I know many, many people & if I don't rotate the comments someone may miss out!
By the way, how does one put those nifty little icons on ones work, such as the kind you use? Smiley faces and alike?

Nuff said Mad Hamish

Ta Manda

Post 7


If you click on any of the smileys it will take you to the smileys page, which has the code for lots of nifty ones.

If you type in < winkeye > without the spaces for example, you will get smiley - winkeye.

smiley - towel JE

Ta Manda

Post 8


errrr,,,,,Waves back to,,,,,errr,,, JEllenJ42 smiley - space ,space>smiley - spacesmiley - spacesmiley - erm


Thank you very much.....

Post 9

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Thanks for the heads up with the little pictures smiley - cheers
I'm glad you liked my intro. I have many other famous friends begging for a spot, so I'll be changing it on a regular basis.
I'm happy to yak with someone from the home of my old mate Elvis.
as a matter of fact I have a few comments from him that will appear on my space sooner or later.

Nuff said.....MadHamish

PS Stay away from any medication that makes the old epidermis cook!

Thank you very much.....

Post 10


Ah, I see you've been poking round in my old journals. smiley - winkeye
Yah, I wouldn't touch that medicine again with a ten foot pole; and my skin does indeed thank me.

smiley - towel JE

Thank you very much.....

Post 11

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Of course I know what is in your journals
Mad Hamish knows everyone & everything (except how to programme my VCR).

Everyone loves the boogie
Mad hamish

Thank you very much.....

Post 12

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Of course I know what is in your journals
Mad Hamish knows everyone & everything (except how to programme my VCR).

Everyone loves the boogie
Mad hamish

Poor deluded fool...

Post 13

Lazlo Woodbine

By now, many of you may have been bothered to tedium by the man calling himself MadHamish.

There is, I feel, something you should all know about our Hamish; and that is that he is quite literally mad. Though his name is not actually Hamish.

Six years ago, one Heironymous J. Parthington III realeased himself from a mental institution for the criminally insane just outside of Melbourne, Australia.

Since then he has assumed the mantle of a socialite/agent provocateur and has managed to have himself thrown out of some the most exclusive parties in the world.

He has killed two hospital orderlies, one backstreet surgeon, and stamped upon any number of defenseless bugs. Also, he has a habit of stealing the third copy from the left of Spike Milligan's "Puckoon" from any bookstore he finds stocking it.

He is a dangerous man, and should not be approached.

Thankyou for your time.

Poor deluded fool...

Post 14


Lazlo! Any relation to Victor Lazlo?! (I'm a Casablanca freak)

smiley - towel JE

Poor deluded fool...

Post 15

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

That's it Woodbine....start running!

Poor deluded fool...

Post 16

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

That's it Woodbine....start running!

Poor deluded fool...

Post 17

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Don't talk to him JEllenJ42, he'll only bring you trouble, and a mild sense of indignence!

MadHamishsmiley - headhurts

Poor deluded fool...

Post 18

MadHamish : Off in the real world!

Don't talk to him JEllenJ42, he'll only bring you trouble, and a mild sense of indignence!

MadHamishsmiley - headhurts

Poor deluded fool...

Post 19

Lazlo Woodbine

And so we see poor MadHamish display, in this constant (possibly unconcious) repetition, his oh so tenuous grip on reality.

The Lazlo in Lazlo Woodbine has nothing to do with Casablanca, sorry. It's Lazlo like the Lazlo in Lazlo Woodbine.

Was Victor Lazlo the police chief?

I know little of Casablanca I'm afraid, too busy out detecting or talking a load of old toot.

Beware the Hamish.

Poor deluded fool...

Post 20


No, no Victor Lazlo was the leader of the French underground. He was the one that Ilsa leaves with at the end.

smiley - towel

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